Visor: Cybernetic Clone #
To produce the perfect infantry, Moscow’s GRU deployed cybernetics, genetics, and even cloning. The result: tireless operatives impervious to panic or pain, with “manageable” psychopathy. But their senses were dulled—especially sight. The GRU turned to a cryptic American scientist and double agent. Just 3 of 20 subjects returned, each with a grafted mask, inexplicably normal vision, and the ability to see through matter. Attempts to reverse-engineer the mask were fatal, and revealed only a layer of putrefied blood within the mask. Disposal of the casualties remains unconfirmed.
CHAMPION Stats | |
MAX HEALTH | 100 |
HEALTH DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
MAX ARMOR | 100 |
ARMOR DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
RUN SPEED | 320 ups |
MAX SPEED | 1000 ups |

Piercing Sight:
Using his Piercing Sight active ability, Visor can temporarily see through all matter, allowing him to keep tabs on any opponents who may be trying to get the drop on him. He can even use his Sight to track Nyx after she has activated Ghost Walk. Good luck trying to sneak up on a man who can see through walls.
Active Ability Tips:
Visor’s special sight allows him to see enemies through walls.
- Duration: 5 seconds
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Speed boost: 10%
Piercing Sight allows Visor to clearly see Strogg while he’s using Peeker and Nyx while she uses Ghost Walk.
Activating Piercing Sight will cause Visor to announce it out loud as audio.
Powerup, Flag and Soul carriers has a special color.
Full Sprint:
Visor has the same base speed and acceleration as Light Champions, i.e. he is faster than other Medium Champions. Also his max speed is higher – 2000 ups. It’s hard to notice in usual matches but a good advantage in Capture The Flag mode where Flag reduces max speed by 20%. Increased base speed and relatively thin body makes Visor a good dodger in fights.
With Light champion speed easier to do Strafe Jump tricks
Lore Scrolls #
*CLASSIFIED* – Intercepted correspondence from GRU official “FLUKE,” real name REDACTED, to KGB official “TRAPDOOR,” real name [REDACTED] – 20 MAR 1990 – FLUKE: Three of our republics have elected ethnic nationalists. We project another three will do so imminently. Soviet control eroding faster than projections. We have fast-tracked Project Mountain King. [REDACTED] reports that Soldier Prime, a genetic hybrid of Spetsgruppa A elites and Black Dolphin prisoners, is now a viable embryo in vitro. Accelerated maturation procedures have begun. Design of cybernetic enhancements is nearly complete.
12 AUG 1991 – TRAPDOOR: Prime’s maturation complete. [REDACTED]’s telesthesia work in Leningrad was successful but will not be continued for cost reasons. (We will not be replacing the three institutionalized researchers.) Spetsnaz combat training now underway. Complications: (1) Intermittent explosive disorder persists. Casualties include seven handlers and four guard dogs. Have your geneticists address this in clone iterations. (2) Flesh is necrotizing at cybernetic contact sites but is not affecting performance. This is a side effect of the paranormal experiments and will not be present in clones, unfortunately.
19 MAY 1992 – TRAPDOOR: Surviving paranormal researchers at St. Petersburg have been in covert contact with US scientist W. G[REDACTED] regarding a solution to the congenital sight impairment of the 20 clones of Iteration 9. He claims he can engineer full telesthesia in at least one subject, but he has three demands: all 20 clones delivered for experimentation, no oversight, and access to certain antiquities in Hermitage vaults. Funding has ceased since dissolution of Supreme Soviet; we have little choice. [REDACTED] being questioned about W. G.’s knowledge of the vaults.
03 FEB 1993 – FLUKE: Received report of eleven deceased clones from W. G.’s research. Progress evident in the one corpse he agreed to return: a steel visor grafted onto the face. Removal reveals full enucleation and unknown runes cut into the flesh around the ocular orbits. No evidence of cyberneural interface, but we found a film of decayed blood between the metal and tissue. Testing has shown this to be from an indeterminate number of organisms, some human. Shipping remains to your St. Petersburg team for further investigation.
11 OCT 1993 – TRAPDOOR: Do not request or accept any further material evidence from the American. Sabotage suspected. Multiple researchers report sleep disturbances and disembodied, unintelligible whispers after examination of the remains. [REDACTED] attempted to remove her own eyes. We will assume that Prime is the sole result of Project Mountain King going forward. Related: Advanced necrosis had no effect on Prime’s deployment in Yeltsin siege of White House last week. Tank fire successfully distracted from his operation, in which several key Chechnyan loyalists were eliminated.
21 JUL 1994 – FLUKE: Final report from W. G. processed. Explains little. Deceased clones total 17 but we cannot confirm the deaths or disposal. Unexpected good news: Three subjects survived and have returned for training. Initial evaluation of engineered sight surpasses our expectations: Subjects can “see” multiple targets through several layers of material, including concrete, steel, and carbon fiber. Neither movement nor heat required for successful tracking. We believe the mechanism is paranormal in nature, so we are sending one subject to your team for reverse engineering.
25 JUL 1994 – TRAPDOOR: Armored vehicle arrived. In the cargo area were four dead guards, one dead and one living “visor” subject. When asked, the surviving clone said, “I killed them.” On entering the St. Petersburg facility, researchers [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] both fell into tonic-clonic seizures. Subject is too dangerous; I cannot risk further losses. We have scheduled euthanasia and will learn what we can from the corpse. Recommend you do the same. A document in braille was found in a body cavity of the slain clone. Investigating.
06 MAR 1995 – FLUKE: We still await the outcome of your research. Perhaps the interagency cooperation has ended. If so, I have not been informed. Please contact me by whatever means possible. Ridiculous rumors are circulating about the project that I am eager to dispel. Regarding results: Prime and Visor were deployed in the Battle of Grozny to decisive effect. Civilian casualties deemed acceptable. The two subjects must be kept separate, however; close proximity seems to greatly aggravate the IED in both.
13 JUN 1996 – FLUKE: Postmortem, Project Mountain King: Two cybernetically enhanced soldiers with full telesthesia produced. Seventeen successful combat operations. Casualties: 616 civilians and 54 military, including the KGB-funded team based at St. Petersburg State University. Status: Soldiers Prime and Visor AWOL after third Grozny deployment. Current whereabouts unknown. Contents of recovered braille document recovered from [TRAPDOOR] suggest they are en route to a covert military complex in Southwest USA. Goals unknown. We suspect operant conditioning by American collaborator. – End correspondence – *CLASSIFIED*

Artifact #
Comic #
Check out the comic book for more details into the backstory of Nyx, available on Amazon and Comixology.

Voice Over Lines #
- “Им не спрятаться”/“Im ne spryatatsya” – They can’t hide from me.
- “Я одержу победу!”/“Ya oderzhu pobedu” – I’ll win!
- “Готовьтесь страдать”/“Gotovtes stradat” – Prepare to be destroyed.
- “Беги, тебе всё равно не спастись”/“Begi, tebe vse ravno ne spastis” – You can run, but you can’t hide.
- “Что тут происходит?”/“Chto tut proishodit” – Let them have it.
- “Один выстрел – один фраг”/“Odin vystrel,odin frag” – One shot, one frag.
- “Сейчас им будет трудно”/“Seichas im budet trudno” – Make them weep.
- “Накажем их”/”Nakazhem ih” – (We will) Punish them
- “Я вас всех вижу”/“Ya vas vseh vizhu ” – I see you.
- “Да будет так”/“Da budet tak” – So be it.
- “Эй, ты куда? Мы ещё не закончили”/“Ey ty kuda, my yesche ne zakonchili” – Don’t run, let’s play.
- “Я чувствую твой страх”/“Ya chuvstvuyu tvoi strah” – I can see your fear.
- “Всё просто, я – лучший”/“vse prosto, ya luchshyi” – That’s easy, I’m the best.
- All I hear is Impressive.
- “Ты слаб”/“Ty slab” – You are weak.
- Maybe, maybe I’m just better.
- “Это было несложно”/“Eto bylo neslozhno” – That was easy.
- Too easy.
- “Так себе попытка”/“Tak sebe popytka” – You could do better.
- Now it’s time for trying.
- “Не впечатляет”/“Ne vpechatlyaet” – Not impressed.
- Now you think was time to push?
- “А ты не теряешь надежды”/“A ty ne teryaesh nadezhdy” – Keep trying.
- Wipe yourself off, you’re dead.
- “Просто прими это”/“Prosto primi eto” – Just admit it.
- You’re trying to kill, kill, kill. But it’s not good.
- “Какой же ты беспомощный”/“Kakoy zhe ty bespomoshniy” – You are so helpless.
- Little mouse.
- “Ненавижу крыс”/“Nenavizhu krys” – I hate rats.
- I think you are playing too aggressive.
- “Остынь”/“Ostyn’” – Cool down.
- You are nothink.
- “Ещё одна победа”/”yeshcho odna pobeda” – Another win
“Я всегда на шаг впереди”/”Ya vsegda na shag vperedi” – I’m always step ahead.
- “Ключ к победе – концентрация и сила”/”Klyuch k pobede – kontsentratsiya i sila” – Focus and strength is key to win
“Я могу тебя обучить. Хочешь?”/”Ya mogu tebya obuchit’. Khochesh’?” – I can teach you. Do you want that?
- “Рекомендую сменить свой стиль игры”/”Rekomenduyu smenit’ svoy stil’ igry” – I recommend you to change your game style.“Подгорает? Будешь лучше стараться”/”Podgorayet? Budesh’ luchshe starat’sya” – Are you in tilt? You will try harder then.
- “Стабильный К/Д”/”Stabil’nyy K/D” – Stable K/D (kill/death ratio)
- “Это не мои проблемы”/”Eto ne moi problemy” – Not my troubles
- “Перестань унижаться”/”Perestan’ unizhat’sya” – “Stop humiliating yourself”
- “Пусть земля будет пухом”/”Pust’ zemlya budet pukhom” – Rest in peace.
- “Ты у меня в прицеле”/”Ty u menya v pritsele” – You are in my sight.
- “Я покажу как нужно играть. Наблюдай”/”Ya pokazhu kak nuzhno igrat’. Nablyuday” – I’ll show you how to play. Watch.
- “Не бойся”/”Не бойся” – Don’t be afraid.
- “Ты слаб”/”Ty slab” – You are weak.
- “Слабак”/”Slabak” – Weakling.
- You have to analyze your game style.
- You have to choose situations when to be aggressive.
- “Я только разогреваюсь”/“Ya tolko razogrevayus” – I’m just warming up.
- Just wait til I get up to speed.
- “Прими неизбежное”/“Primi neizbezhnoe” – Accept the inevitable.
- Accept the inevitable.
- “Фокусировка и спокойствие”/“Fokusirovka i spokoistvie” – Focus and calmness.
- Most focus and always calm.
- “Всё ещё не очень”/“Vse esche ne ocen’” – Still not there.
- Trying and failing, is still failing.
- “Главное, кто остался на ногах”/“Glavnoe,kto ostalsya na nogah” – Let’s see who will stand last.
- All that matters is who’s standing.
- “Убей или умри”/“Ubei ili umri” – Kill or die!
- Kill or be killed.
- “Не на того лезешь”/“Ne na togo lezesh” – You picked the wrong guy to fight.
- You’re not reached my level.
- “Я создан убивать”/“Ya sozdan ubivat’” – I was manufactured to kill.
- Killing is as natural to me as breathing.
- “Ты проиграешь”/“Ty proigraesh” – You’ll lose.
- I have the key to fighting you.
- “Плохая реакция”/“Plohaya reakciya” – Your reaction is poor.
- It’s not best to remain still for too long.
- “Тебе просто повезло”/“Tebe prosto povezlo” – All times lucky.
- All times lucky.
- “Давай ещё раз”/“Davay esche raz” – Let’s try again.
- C’mon
- “Я сломаю тебя”/“Ya slomayu tebya” – I will break you.
- You are getting better, but situations were all luck.
- “Уже лучше, но до меня всё ещё далеко”/“Uzhe lusche,no do menya vse esche daleko” – Better now but still far from me.
- Step by step you are getting better, but you will never be top.
- “Следующий раз будет за мной”/“Sleduyshii raz budet za mnoy” – Next time it will be me.
- Next time, I’m telling this.
- “Неудачно появился”/“Neudachno poyavilsya” – Bad spawn.
- Bad spawns, every time.
- “Ты за это заплатишь”/“Ty za eto zaplatysh” – You will pay for this.
- Have your pick.
- “Я найду тебя”/“Ya naidu tebya” – I will find you.
- Situations clearly happening for you.
- “Ладно, бывает”/“Ladno, byvaet” – Whatever.
- Whatever.
- “Понравилось?”/“Ponravilos’?” – Enjoy this?
- Enjoy this?
- Heh.
- “С этого момента начинается настоящий бой”/”S etogo momenta nachinayetsya nastoyashchiy boy” – Now is when the real battle begins.
- “Я всё вижу”/“Ya vse vizhu” – I see everything.
- “Тебе не скрыться от меня”/“Tebe ne skrytsya ot menya” – You can’t hide from me now.
- “Тебе не скрыться от меня”/“Tebe ne skrytsya ot menya” – You can’t hide from me now.
- You can’t hide from me.
- “Ты не уйдёшь”/“Ty ne yidesh” – You will not escape.
- “Я тебя вижу”/“Ya tebya vizhu” – I see you.
- “Я тебя вижу”/“Ya tebya vizhu” – I see you.
- I see you.
- “Выхода нет”/“Vyhoda net” – There is no out for you.
- “Выхода нет”/“Vyhoda net” – There is no out for you.
- There is no out for you.
- “Нужна поддержка!”/”Nuzhna podderzhka” – Need support!
- “Я под огнём!”/”Ya pod ognyom” – I’m under fire!
- “Прикрой!”/”Prikroj” – Cover me!
- “Нужна аптечка”/”Nuzhna aptechka” – Need medkit
- “Я ранен”/”Ya ranen” – I’m wounded
- “Я истекаю кровью”/”Ya istekayu krov’yu” – I’m bleeding
- “Остановись!”/”Ostanovis’” – Stop!
- “Да как ты смеешь?!”/”Da kak ty smeesh’” – How dare you?!
- Graaaaah.
Game Info #

Customization Items #
Agent #
Few pieces of Visor’s original body remain, though he made sure to reclaim the last remnants of his skin to stretch over his cyborg body.
Designates a soldier as a special operative. Serves as a sign he doesn’t answer to standard chain of command.
A few extra inches of protection around the neck.
This hardware expansion collects data from Visor’s body for future analysis.
A quick and easy plating patch. It comes in handy when Visor’s been injured on missions.Screen reader support enabled.
Protects Visor’s lower leg joints from the elements.
A new addition to Visor’s armory. Designed for low gravity environments and staying attached to metal structures.
Psionic #
Several variants were created In the experiments that led to Visor. One such result had a measure of psychic abilities. The subject was reportedly terminated when he convinced a team of researchers to eat each other.
Heavy duty shoulder protection, designed to be modular.
Cranial Optic Fiber Enhancement
Visor’s standard circuitry is upgraded with fiber optics wired directly into his spinal column, reducing his reaction time.
Recycles Visor’s air for low-atmosphere conditions.
Spartan #
While Visor usually leans towards stealth and discretion, sometimes shock and awe are required. This distinctive metal was pulled from crash debris in the northern Siberian taiga.
Armored plates belonging to an assassin. Visor claimed them as his own.
Reinforced alloy can be used offensively or defensively.
Etermal #
Visor knows well the lingering freeze of the wild north.
It’s not really precognition, but his prey certainly thought so.
Pro League #
Visor Prime #
A mechanical shell and leathered skin is all that protects the remaining four organs that were Visor Prime, the genetic template for an unstoppable army of agents with inexplainable traits.
Wrist Multi-tool
Multi-tool, useful for survival in extreme conditions.
Serves as an additional protection of vital organs.
Vanities #
Special operative’s headset that provides continuous information to the user. Can interface with most computers.
Formed out of the abyss, Visor entered into a symbiotic bargain with this creature. His life is sustained, while it feeds on the dark forces that move through him.
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