Anarki: Transhuman Punk #
Anarki’s rebellion began with the usual self-vandalism, but he craved something greater, and found it in transhumanism. Addiction, injury, disease… Why tolerate flesh if he could replace it? Using family riches, he underwent increasingly extreme cybernetic surgeries. After a microelectrode pierced his pineal gland, Anarki perceived a surreal, alien reality breakthrough! He eagerly sought more procedures, ignoring the insomnia. Each strengthened his perception of the hidden realm. But only once he met a girl who saw it, too, was he sure he could reach it.
CHAMPION Stats | |
MAX HEALTH | 100 |
HEALTH DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
MAX ARMOR | 75 |
ARMOR DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
RUN SPEED | 320 ups |
MAX SPEED | 625 ups |

Active Ability Tips:
Anarki instantly heals himself and receives a permanent boost to his health. He also receives a speed boost for 5 seconds.
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Amount Healed: 50 overheal HP
- Max base health: 125
- Max overheal health: 175
- Speed boost: 10%
- Maximum speed while injection: 687 ups
- Maximum run speed while injection: 358 ups
- Speed buff duration: 5 seconds
- Weapon Disable Duration: 1 second
- Injection also removes all damage over time debuffs
Anarki instantly get a 50 points of overheal, a permanent boost to his health and a speed boost for 5 seconds. Such combo is a good start after respawn.
Also take in mind even +1 HP to base HP allow Anarki to survive one direct rocket without armor and overheal.
Injection buffs speed just by 12% but it’s enough for some tricks
Combat wise best use of Injection is just before fight to get extra health and extra speed that useful for dodging
You can clear damage over time that was applied to Anarki by Sorlag’s acid and Death Knight’s fire trails
Aircontrol allows Anarki to change directions while in midair, which CPMA and Quake World players will be familiar with.
Aircontrol allow to change direction even after jump pads
Aircontrol helps keep speed after rock jump and Injection neglets from it and gives even more speed
Hoverboard allows Anarki to do Bunny Hop – special movement that allow to keep speed while turning but it’s slower than Strafe Jumping. So most effective way to move is usually start moving with Strafe Jumping untill you hit speed cad and switch to Bunny hop after that.
You may know this way to moving from Quake World, Quake 3 CPMA or Counter Strike.
For Bunny Hoping you need to it like Strafe Jumping but stop holding forward button after first jump (Circle Jump). Holding jump button makes Bunny Hop easier to do.
Bunny Hop allows to do such jumps without stopping
Lore Scrolls #
Listen. You just got to listen to it all, got that? Because you want to understand. You need to understand. Right? Because only if you understand will you get it. Trust me. That will be important. How I managed to get all three—the world, the flesh and the devil—and decide that one of them had to go. Hey, hang on there. Not yet. Easy with that. Take it easy. Just ‘cause the junk is free doesn’t mean you just do it all at once, okay? Not okay. Not till you heard it all.
From Bloch Family Psychology Services intake report #4212: The client presented to the group with clear antisocial, narcissistic, and at times solipsistic behaviors. His affect seemed unusually flat for someone his age, save for his eyes, which kept scanning the clinicians. Guarded, struggling to conceal a great deal of information. Among other behaviors, the client would repeatedly rub his hands and touch his face, as if he needed reassurance that he was awake and real. As to the events that brought him here, he had no response other than—after a long pause—“I do not remember.”
“From 911 dispatcher audio, August 5, 1996, 12:35 AM: Dispatcher: Now miss, please, slow down, and tell me what— Caller [female, identity withheld]: He’s downstairs. Y-you have to send someone. I don’t know what he’s done. The furniture destroyed, the windows smashed…I think I smell smoke. Dispatcher: Okay, okay. Just hang on. I will alert your Fire Department. Stay on the line. Caller: [Unintelligible words, crashing noises, shouting.] Dispatcher: Ma’am, alright—what’s going on now? Ma’am? Caller: Oh god. He-he’s covered the walls. All the walls. Not words. God, what…what are they?”
“From records of District Court of Los Angeles, Spring Street, January 4, 2005: Officer D. Rodriguez: We located the teenager not far from the Barham Boulevard overpass. From the description we knew it was him. And even though it was chilly that night, he stood well away from the fire. And the others—the usual vagrants—stood away from him. District Attorney S. Jones: Anything else? Rodriguez: His face and arms—not just the signs of a junkie. But serious scars visible, god, all over him. And that denim jacket? Covered with strange pins, badges…and everywhere speckled with blood.”
Still listening? Still all ears? Good, good. It’s a journey, right? Right. A real…journey. Blood, scars, all pointing one direction: the future. The world, the flesh, and the devil. But what if we could just dump the flesh? The small things I could do on my own. Some basic neurotech to control adrenaline. But still there was so much flesh, weighing me down. Oh, and then—so sad, so very sad…when the parental units shook off their own shabby flesh, turns out that all that money—as ill-gotten as could be—was all mine!
The scientists wanted to back away, but….all that money. Useful in making them comply. One after the other, each with more knowledge. Some of those scientists, they had to be silenced. Can’t have loose talk, isn’t that right? Others I wanted to keep around, for whatever new idea I might have. But still—and always, you know?—there was the matter of my face. So much skin, so vulnerable! And the eyes! Wet balls of jelly, designed to fail. Windows to the soul, they say. But maybe they could be windows to somewhere else. I had to find out.
“From interrogation report, USC Military Research Center. Subject: Dr. Clarence Howell: “H-he had read my research. Don’t know how he’d gotten it. All of it just theoretical. Then he tricked me into a meeting, and I was his prisoner. And I—I told him, it was only theoretical, this link between the pineal gland and extrasensory phenomena. More parapsychology than science. Didn’t matter to him. ‘You see my face?’ he said. ‘What is left of it? And my arms?’ He did that, then said I would—I must—build and implant the interface. And god—my theories were right.”
Still alive, my friend? Almost done here. After Dr. Howell, the universe opened up. Now not even the world was left. Now I saw worlds, new and terrible. Shall I describe them for you? The vast, terrible landscapes? The fumes stinking out of bottomless pits as these things crawled in and out? An engine of devouring and destroying, the screams constant, the roar of that horror. Non-stop. Sleep vanished, replaced by the constant vision of these places, each an arena of death and terror. But all I could do was see it! Just see! Or so I thought.
So then I met this girl. Nicely modded. She saw me too, and with a wave, as if these hellish places were a new playground for transhumans like us, I knew I could go there. It would take more money to find the right docs and engineers and make them do my bidding. And it would take a minor sacrifice of flesh—here and there—to open the way. Not mine, sorry. But others. Like yours. You should be grateful for what you have enabled. What’s about to happen won’t be nice. But it will be transcendent. For me….

Artifact #

The ripped right half of a denim jacket that has had its sleeves cut off, still covered with buttons, patches, safety pins, and graffiti, but also speckled with dried blood. It’s been years since Anarki saw the jacket’s other half, and he doesn’t know whether it has been destroyed or not.
Comic #
Check out the comic book for more details into the backstory of Anarki, available on Amazon and Comixology.
Voice Over Lines #
- If I don’t see some action soon, I’m gonna start flipping tables.
- Guess who’s back to deal a whoopin’?
This one’s gonna be epic!
- Comin’ through!
- Aw man! Did you see that?
- Time to get some air!
- Bitchin’!
- Far out!
- Look out below!
- I. Am. Killing it!
- Aw man, this is great!
- I get high on the smell of your blood.
- Whoah! The blood is like fireworks up in here!
- That was so rad!
- Let’s bag these shoobies.
- Pure tits!
- Comin’ through!
- Cow-a-bunga!
- Piss off, this is our turf!
- Crash and burn, baby!
- Excellent!
- Now that was totally radical!
- Okay, that was sick!
- Okay, that was siiiiick!
- Prepare for an epic beat down.
- Pretty righteous!
- Sooowweeeeet!
- That was sooo rad!
- Wicked!
- You gotta just grab the bull by the horns and ride. Ride that beautiful bastard til your hands are bleeding and your crotch feels like it go kicked in by a congo line of your exes.
- Oh my god, bag your face!
- Gleaming the cube, bruh.
- Time to turn it up to eleven.
- You’re not doin’ too great, you need a little somethin’ somethin’?
- Wooooohoooo!
- Dance, par-tay!
- It is getting messy here.
- I think I just got some brains on me.
- Ride the wave, man.
- Mm mm, feeling good man.
- Going strong and flying high, bro.
- Let’s beat these posers.
- Time to leave ‘em in the dust.
- Woo, let’s kick the fires and light some tires.
- Hack the planet!
- Solids all around!
- Ride the tube, brother.
- Bail out.
- That was brutal.
- This suuuucks.
- You gotta stop with the negative waves, man. You’re just bringing us down.
- Will you piss off already!
- Naw man, me and Slash are still totally BFFs.
- Don’t diss me man.
- Eat my balls, bro.
- Ooooh, this feels like a wicked hangover comin’ on.
- Bro, get out of my space!
- Killin’ my groove, man.
- No problem.
- Whatever.
- Bite me, dude!
- Yeah, yeah.
- Gimme a gun! Gimme a gun!
- You know what? I am feeling pretty good right now, I’m gonna chill for a while.
- Get bent.
- I’m gonna grind your face into the pavement.
- Woooah!
- I see… stars.
- Juice it up, baby.
- Ooh, that feels good.
- I got this! Oh, no, no, no, no! I don’t got this.
- Uh, got a problem here.
- I could use some good mojo sent my way.
- Man, I need a hit.
- Gimme, gimme, gimme.
- Tasty, that feels good.
- Knock it off.
- Ah man, I just got bagelled.
- Ah, woah, no! Oh! That is bad touch, bad touch!

Customization Items #
Nuclear #
Drugs have taken their toll on Anarki. He only has one natural extremity remaining, and his body has been rewired to maximize drug flow. Even though he has aged unnaturally fast, he is always top of the food chain when it comes to skating.
A gift from his girl. She even painted it for him, in blood red.
Concealed Blade
Don’t forget to twist. It keeps the wound from closing.
Arm Warmer
Sewn together from the skin of his missing limbs.
Flak #
Flak is Anarki’s avatar while jacked in; his mental projection of himself in alternate reality space. He seamlessly interacts with the digital world overlay of the real world. Sometimes he is incapable of distinguishing between the two.
Welded together from salvage. If the sharp ends don’t kill you, the diseases probably will.
A modular extension to the hand, it packs added functionality while Anarki is cruising cyberspace.
Strider #
Bone Daddy #
Anarki’s existence continued even after death. Everything he had seen left him with his mind split and his soul corrupted.
Anarki attempted a grab for power, and in retaliation a Dark One granted him this memento. The pain bores deep into Anarki’s very being, corrupting what remains of him.
A parting gift from the Dark One. A cruel joke on Anarki’s recklessness.
While undeath may seem like a blessing, keeping everything inside has proven difficult.
A large pauldron to match the other side.
Burns people on the inside.
Pro League #
Air Blade #
Few accepted the young punk wannabe when he first broke into the scene. But even then, he showed an unwavering skill that grew with time. It was a shame about the drugs, but they eventually took their toll.
Anarchist Mask
Causing chaos is so much more fun when you can’t be identified.
Anarki’s designer sunglasses. Hides his identity while fighting capitalist pigs.
Anarki’s custom-designed headphones. Can’t stop the music.
A little protection when out crushing skulls.
“Burn it all!” – the rallying cry of a short-lived activist group Anarki took part in.
Vanities #
Given to Anarki by his guitar idol, he used it in every show. The idol neglected to tell him he’d sold his soul to the devil for it. Now it whispers things to him when the music stops.
\Helpful Advice In case you missed it the first time.
Assembled from countless victims and held together with arcane forces. Anarki doesn’t remember when he crafted it, or even how.
A young punk’s first board. Modded with stolen parts to make it hover-capable, this board stands as a prelude to Anarki’s own changes.
2019-2020 Quake Pro League
Season 1 Kick Off : K1llsen
Stage 1: Cooller
Stage 2: Rapha
Stage 3: K1llsen
Quake World Championship: Rapha
(Exclusive reward for QPL Belt Holders)
Quake Pro League 2023
Lathered up with coconut oil and ready for the waves, Anarki takes the time to appreciate the Lil’things in life with this gun surfboard from the Death by Television Surfing Co.
You can’t deny love is in the air and Anteros is here to see to it that you don’t.