Advanced video settings defines how the game looks.
- Enable Bloom – enables bloom effects that appear under bright light and some effects like bright glow around LG beam. Better to disable
- Enables Flares – effects like camera flares if you are looking at the sun. Better to disable
- Light shaft effects – toggle the light shaft effects. Light shafts are the god rays from the sun so it’s better to disable it.
- Water simulation – toggle the water simulation effects caused by shooting or moving through liquids.
- Scorchmark effects – Toggle the scorchmark effects generated by weapon impacts. However, not recommended, as it can remove vital information such as Acid Spit decals.
- Selective picmip – Allow the video Texture Quality setting to determine texture resolution. MUST BE SET PRIOR TO MAP LOAD.
- Clean – Force lower resolution diffuse maps, beyond the video Texture Quality setting.
- Smooth – Force lower resolution diffuse, normal, and specular maps, beyond the video Texture Quality setting.
- Enable fog – enable fog volume effects, including fog beyond combat area, so disabling may make background more distractive
- Transparent particles – toggle whether or not transparent particles should be drawn.
- Enable screenspace reflections – enable reflections of entities (like items and champions) on liquid surfaces
- Water caustic FX – toggle water caustic effects on wall surrounding pools of liquid
- Example of such effect:
- Weapon effects – Toggle low priority weapon effects, such as muzzle flashes, sparks and smoke. Significantly affects performance