July 27, 2024


Church of Quake is a fan site for the video game Quake Champions. Our content is made by hours of work from our volunteer staff. From pulling voice lines to taking screenshots, our volunteers work hard to bring every little detail of the Quake world into this site to enjoy and peruse.

We also bring the happenings from around the community to the front page in effort to unite our fellow fans and help keep the community aware of events, to participate or spectate.

Previous Contributors #

Thank  you so much to everyone that has made their contributions to the website. We appreciate everything you have done to get us this far. 

AndyO’s for capturing the ambient videos. 
Andrew Clarence for reporting news.
Akpwnz for reporting news.
Biohazardous for screenshot and information gathering in the early days.

If you have something to add to our community, please feel free to reach out to us via discord.

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