Two teams take turns assaulting the Slipgate, while the other team defends the Slipgate. Players must be careful as they only have one life per round.
Rules #
- The two Teams consist of 4 players each
- Score a point by closing the Slipgate as an attacker, eliminating the enemy team before they close the Slipgate as a defender, or keeping the enemy team from closing the Slipgate in the 2 minute round time limit as a defender
- As a defender you must not let the attacking team close the Slipgate
- If you eliminate the enemy team as an attacker, you still must close the Slipgate to win the point
- Matches switch each round from attacking to defending
- The first team to score 7 points wins the match
- There is no self damage, nor weapon, health, or armor spawns
- Players spawn with over max health and armor, and with all weapons
Maps #
- Burial Chamber
- Church of Azathoth
- Citadel
- Lockbox
- Tempest Shrine