Slash: Roller Queen #
It was her grandmother’s music box. Its tiny ice-skater twirled to Swan Lake. She loved it. She couldn’t sleep without hearing its tune. Then she heard it in her dreams. Then always. She would become a skater herself. She would twirl and twirl until the music stopped. But it never stopped. She began to see dark, spidery things. When the clozapine didn’t help, she turned to heroin. In the shooting gallery she met Anarki. He saw things, too. They became inseparable . . . until the things they saw became real.
CHAMPION Stats | |
MAX HEALTH | 100 |
HEALTH DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
MAX ARMOR | 75 |
ARMOR DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
RUN SPEED | 320 ups |
MAX SPEED | 700 ups |

Slash’s skates are far from ordinary. When you activate her Plasma Trail active ability, she leaves a glowing path in her wake, instantly damaging anyone who touches it. Pressing the button to activate the Plasma Trail again immediately causes the trail to detonate, which causes even more damage to anyone nearby. Use this ability to set traps for your opponents down hallways or work with your team to corner other players and snare them in a Plasma Trail cage before detonating it.
Active Ability Tips:
Slash leaves a stream of energy behind her. The plasma trail will damage any enemy that touches it, and when the ability button is pressed again, the trail will explode, damaging nearby enemies.
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Plasma Trail Explosion Maximum Splash Damage: 25 damage
- Plasma Trail Explosion Minimum Splash Damage: 10 damage
- Speed boost: 10%
- Max speed with boost: 847 ups
- Max run speed with boost: 351 ups
- Plasma Trail duration: 3 seconds
- Plasma Trail remains for: 6 seconds
Plasma trail is great for setting up traps. Press the ability button once to start it and do it again to make an explosion before the enemy escapes from trail or to finish him off sooner.
You can send an enemy to fly by bumping him while crouch sliding with Plasma Trail. Airborne enemy is a good target for hitscan weapons.
Plasma Trail gives 25% speed buff which is great for crouch sliding. This is the most common use case for this ability. Also you use it for dodging but keep in mind Plasma Trail always pushes Slash and if you are not holding movement button (WASD) it will push you forward.
Do jump and just before hitting the ground press and hold crouch button. Use directional movement buttons (WASD) and mouse to turn in a desirable direction. Sharper angles gives more speed. Usual jump gives less than 2 seconds of sliding and you need jump again for next sliding.
Longer fall – longer slide. Max duration – 6 seconds
You don’t need to start crouch slide immediately after fall. Just hold crouch as usual and start moving when you want to – duration will be same.
Slash has a higher crouch speed (271 ups) which is a good thing for surprising your enemies since crouching and walking makes no sound in Quake.
Crouch Slide:
Perform a crouch slide by crouching just as you land on the ground after jumping.
Speed while usual croush: 271 ups. You may use it for fast sneaking around the map
Lore Scrolls #
“Officer Dinah Hardwicke Shift Report: Tuesday, Nov 15, 1988 At 6:47 PM, responded to vehicle/pedestrian accident at Adams and Menlo. Pedestrian identified as [juvenile, name withheld]. Her injuries were minor and she was treated by paramedics on scene. When I asked what she was doing so far from home, wandering in traffic, she replied that she had been “following the music” and appeared neither scared nor in particular pain, but largely irate that the car had interrupted her. I spoke to [juvenile]’s guardian, her grandmother, and suggested she consider psychiatric treatment for the girl. Recommend follow-up from CPS to confirm.”
“Officer Carlton Glover Shift Report: Thursday, Apr 21, 1994 Answered call at 9:17 PM for an incident at Good Samaritan psych ward. Orderlies had largely regained control prior to my arrival. According to their statements, [juvenile], a teenage schizophrenic and frequent patient, attacked two nurses. During the assault, witnesses claim the girl screamed about carving “the spiders” out of the victims before they could do harm. Victims’ injuries are serious but not life-threatening, and no charges are being filed at this time. [Juvenile] is being held involuntarily for further psychiatric evaluation.”
“Officer Carlton Glover Shift Report: Saturday, Jan 20, 1996 Responded to disturbance at Inkremental Tattoo at 4:30 PM. Found Armand Saez, proprietor, in near-fugue state, carving jagged lines into his skin with used tattoo needle. Called paramedics, attempted to restrain Saez from further self-harm until their arrival. Eventually coaxed Saez into telling me that a teenage girl had come in for tattoos of various “spider-like” patterns, but that once she had departed, he found himself unable to stop repeating the markings. Could not identify girl except to say that she’d insisted he play Swan Lake on stereo while working.”
“Officer Carlton Glover Shift Report: Wednesday, Feb 14, 1996 Reviewed security footage from yesterday’s Speedy Shop convenience store homicide for Det. Chen’s investigation. Discovered that homicide suspect actually fled empty handed after shooting cashier. Theft of money from register was apparent crime of opportunity, committed by young woman on rollerblades after original perpetrator departed. Video too unclear to be sure, but tattoo pattern on secondary suspect’s arm could match “spider-like” tattoos as described in my Jan 20 report. Young woman also appears familiar to me personally. Will check past reports in hopes of identifying her.”
“Detective Dinah Hardwicke Ongoing investigation, case #24995: Saturday, Feb 24, 1996 Have identified sufficient samples of his illegal/experimental cybernetics work to confirm Dr. Ruslan Mamonov has indeed set up shop here since USSR collapse. Tracked Subject One (patient of Mamonov’s, name unknown) to a known junkies’ alley. [Location withheld to protect multiple informants.] Subject One was not present, but I recognized one of the users as [juvenile]; see report dated Nov 15 1988. Answers now to street name “Slash.” Told me she didn’t recognize Subject One, but appeared deeply fascinated by my description of him.”
“Detective Dinah Hardwicke Ongoing investigation, case #24995: Tuesday, Mar 5, 1996 Learned that Subject One answers to street name “Anarki.” Real name unknown. Tracking his recent movements, located underground clinic; observed for 24 hours, then raided. Neither Anarki nor Mamonov present, but located several associated surgeons (see attached) and [juvenile], a.k.a. “Slash.” She told me I led her here; apparently she’s regularly been clinging to my bumper on her rollerblades since we spoke about Anarki. Surgeon abruptly became very agitated, claimed to hear music when operating on “Slash.” By the time surgeon was subdued, “Slash” had slipped away from accompanying officers.”
“Detective Dinah Hardwicke Ongoing investigation, case #24995: Thursday, Mar 7, 1996 Regretfully must report I lost a suspect today. Locating “Slash” wasn’t difficult, nor was the initial arrest, as she was high at the time. After being placed in the car, she began a sing-song recitation about music disturbing the webs, which become spider legs, which become veins. It was at that moment I felt something crawling under my collar. I’m afraid I briefly panicked, and when I’d finally determined there was nothing on me, she had somehow escaped both her cuffs and the car. I will find her again.”
“Detective Dinah Hardwicke Ongoing investigation, case #24995: Monday, Mar 11, 1996 Have eyes on “Anarki” and “Slash” both. I knew they’d return to the alley for their fix eventually. One or both of them will lead me to Mamonov. Apparently her little mind games are still eating at me; I could swear I’ve spotted tiny shapes moving in the shadows of the alley around them. Imagining things? Smudges on the lenses? Doesn’t matter. Two can play at psychological warfare. I’ve gone over her files, and I’ll be collecting something from her grandmother’s house that just might slow her down some.”
“Officer Carlton Glover Shift Report: Thursday, Mar 14, 1996 Finally located Det. Hardwicke, missing for three days. Hardwicke was found aimlessly wandering near Adams and Menlo, blindly jabbing an empty needle into her arm. Needle contained traces of heroin. On scene, she repeated over and over that she watched two people vanish; that they covered themselves in “dancing spiders,” and were gone when the spiders scattered. She interrupted her repetition only once, to order me to “Tell grandmother someone stole her music box.” (Det. Hardwicke’s grandmothers are both long deceased.) We’ve left Hardwicke at Good Samaritan for psychiatric evaluation.”

Artifact #
Comic #
Check out the comic book for more details into the backstory of Slash, available on Amazon and Comixology.

Voice Over Lines #
- Where can a city girl get a little action around here?
- I’m gonna flip you like a table.
Guess who’s back!
- Open wide and take your medicine.
- I like this party.
- I don’t think you’ve ever been hit that hard, chump.
- There’s nothin’ to it.
- And that, kiddos, is why I am top of the class.
- Ah, what’s the matter? Can’t keep up?
- Sploosh! Hahahha.
- And now, for the grand finally!
- Wheee!
- Hehe, it must be my birthday.
- Hahhaha.
- Ride the tiger!
- Who cleans up after us? I mean there’s brains, and spleens, and shit lying around. Is there some tentacle janitor that comes through afterwards complaining about “Those darn kids!”?
- Come on. Try to keep up, bub!
- I thought you were gonna put up a fight.
- Was a mistake showin’ your face around here.
- My house, my rules.
Now that’s what I’m talking about!
- Whoopin’ time!
- Why don’t you go let your momma wipe your nose? Let the big kids play.
- Wooo! Did you see that? Did you see that?
- Yaay!
- You really didn’t have a chance keepin’ up with me.
- You should probably stick to your own league kid.
- I didn’t know we invited clowns to this party. I hate clowns.
- They told me I could become anything. So I became an agent of chaos.
- What’re you waiting for? If you see ‘em, blast ‘em.
- Do do do do do. Da do do do do. DOH! Da do do do. Doh! Da do do do do do.
- You wouldn’t hit this face, would you?
- Skate or die?
- I just love when they explode, like pinatas!
- That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.
- This train is on a nonstop to the top!
- I see some people that need some brutalizing.
- Someone needs a chill pill.
- Let’s send ‘em home cryin’.
- You keep ‘em busy. I’m gonna go be fabulous!
- Knock ‘em dead.
- They’re still squirming, keep shooting.
- You get close enough, give ‘em a taste of the ole one-two.
- Are we even trying out here?
- It’s getting way too emo in here.
- Boy, I’m feeling blue.
- My skates were totally having a major malfunction.
- Hey! No fair!
- Take it easy, big guy!
- Alright, you finally called down the thunder.
- I’m getting real tired of being on the receiving end here.
- Seriously, piss off bozo!
- Raaaaawr.
- Well, put a fork in us. We’re done here.
- Come on! Let’s go! I’m gettin’ ansy over here! This really grinds my gears! This gonks my ganooks! This yanks my crank! Come onnnnnnnnn!
- Come on, let’s go! I’m gettin’ antsy over here!
- I need a gun! I have things to shoot, people to kill.
- Yo! Spot me a nine.
- You’ve been naughty, momma spank.
- Boom!
- Boom! Haha, look at me go!
- Hope you got some fancy footwork.
- Go into the lights!
- Hey need some health! If you aren’t too busy.
- Why you beatin’ on a little gal like me?
- I’m takin’ a whoopin’ here.
- Uh, uh, I got a problem here.
- My insides are having trouble staying inside.
- I don’t think I’m supposed to be leaking blood.
- Hey! That’s not nice.
- You wouldn’t dare.
- Ow! Watch where you are pointing that thing.

Customize Items #
Dragon Blade #
Lightweight and sleek, Slash’s favorite skating gear allows her to fly over the ground at breakneck speeds.
Keeps the sun out of Slash’s eyes. She also stole them from her last boyfriend, and she knows it pisses him off that she still has them.
A rival shredder thought he could take Slash down. She left him plastered on the highway and kept his mask as a memento.
Shoulder protection for when the party starts.
Some of Slash’s standard derby gear.
Tempest #
Sleek and packed with the latest innovations, Slash’s pro outfit is for when she is able to find sponsors for a race.
Customized to function in extreme weather, low light conditions, and when Slash wants to sleep.
Highly aerodynamic and lightweight fins that also protect the wearer.
Magnetized chest protection that absorbs falls.
Highly durable arm wear for getting low and fast.
Fire Trail #
Darque #
Some things drive you mad. Some things burn your eyeballs till they’re scorched.
Hey, a murdering psychopath can look pretty sometimes.
You can never have too many spikes.
Who doesn’t like a little flair?
Razors. For cutting your enemies.
Pro League #
Siren #
Slash embraced her free spirit when it became evident she would be incapable of ice skating professionally. The once glowing little girl grew into a fiery, rebellious teenager.
The latest in alternate reality tech! Renders a simulation of your preferred theme over the real world. WARNING: Objects in simulation are possibly not real.
Share your music with your friends!
Designed for the DJ on the move. Mix a song for your friends on the fly!
A dash of the 80’s.
What? A girl wants to accessorize sometimes.
A bit of ribbon to identify Slash in downhill racing.
Glo-Splash canisters explode in a spray of florescent colors, instantly leaving your mark.
Slash made this belt buckle herself. She melted one of her ice skating trophies for the metal.
Some trinkets Slash nicked from a store.
A little extra protection for when things get rough.
Used to punish persistent opponents.
Vanities #
Slash’s constant companion since she was a girl. He’s been through a lot, but the little guy always has her back.
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
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Celebrate the renewing of life with this Spring 2022 item!
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You can’t deny love is in the air and Anteros is here to see to it that you don’t.
What they talkin’ bout? They ain’t talkin’ about nothin’, cause this Quake III Arena style chat balloon is all for that old school asthetic.