New Content:
- Added JETSCREAM, a bubble gun vanity for the starting Nailgun. rewarded at Level 4 of paid BattlePass. also 500 Platinum in store, and 250 Shards in Weapon select screen. 250 Platinum for Shard Bundle.

New Features:
- Team Player Heads setting – Toggle the display of each team’s player portraits at the top of the HUD in team games
Weapon Updates:
- Updated Shotgun, increased near and far spread & damage falloff values
Champion Updates:
- Athena – Fixed cooldown HUD timings
- Clutch – Starting armor lowered from 100 to 75
- Scalebearer:
- Fixed the crash in Ability FX when activating on jumppads
- Re-activated the now working Bull Rush FX
- Bull Rush damage lowered from 75 to 50 when moving below 400 ups
Gameplay Updates:
- Added Team Player Heads to the HUD in all team games
- Teammate Power-up Carriers (quad, protection, soul, flag) will now show up solid power-up colored when behind walls, so that you can easily find, track, and coordinate with your friendly power-up carrier
- Added new support to show on the Team Player Heads UI when a player has both Quad Damage and Protection (previously the Quad display would override the Protection display)
- Reduced power-up and weapon vertical pop-up when dropped
Map Updates:
- Removed Spring Décor & Environment updates for Awoken, Deep Embrace, Ruins of Sarnath, and Tempest Shrine
- The Molten Falls – Added spawning platform to Mega Health spawn
- Tower of Koth (Duel/2v2) – Fixed spectator fixed camera positions that were located outside of the map
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash that could occur at the end of the match (right when the matchlimit hit)
- Fixed Announcer Volume, slider was missing from settings
- Fixed Scorelimit issues in Unholy Trinity (Announcer and medal placements were incorrectly based on fragcount at the end of the match instead of the score.)
- Fixed not being able to throw the soul in Sacrifice when someone was directly behind you, by lowering the soul’s player collision radius from 0.8 to 0.3m
- Fixed potential for wrong first-person pain sounds from occurring when over 100 HP, or when playing a game mode with a base health above 100 HP, or when holding protection
- Added a cooldown for Champion VO to reduce overlap. (This does not include nor prevent pain sounds or low HP VO from triggering.)
- Fixed QPL Belt 2023 missing power-up & menu FX shaders
- Learn section updated with latest weapon changes