Table of Contents
- Winter Podium

- FROSTGORE Rocket Launcher

- Awoken Winter
- Added Ally Names & Enemy Names controls in HUD Settings

All Champions
- Updated hitboxes
- Cooldowns increased from 45 to 60 sec
- Max speed reduced from 640 to 625 ups
- Grapple count from 2 to 3
- Swing damage from 25 to 20
- Rope break at 75 dmg
- Removed Stockpile passive
- Increased delay between grapple usages from 0.8 to 1 sec
- Size scale reduced from 1.2 to 1.15x
- Reduced gear shift delay from 2nd to 3rd forward accel stage from 1.25 to 1.0 sec
Death Knight
- Reduced ability duration from 7 to 5 sec
- Reduced fireball speed from 800 to 666 ups
- Added Armor Regen passive
- Fixed sinking turrets, so we no longer de-spawn turret after 1 minute
- Totem detonates when target is within 3m but damages up to a 4m range
- Slower health decay rate
- Splash damage reduction passive will no longer apply towards Telefrags
- Reduced grenade knockback from 100 to 50, to match 1:1 with their 50 dmg (self knockback unchanged)
- Dire Orb touch damage reduced from 25 to 15 dmg
- Forward Accel max speed reduced from 500 to 425 ups
- Forward Accel now uses ground friction
- Stomper damage capped at 25 dmg over 395 ups
- Bull Rush max speed reduced from 800 to 700 ups
- Bull Rush damage simplified to 75 dmg
- Bull Rush damage reduction reduced from 67 to 50%
- Bull Rush shoot delay increased from 0.2 to 0.4 sec
- Max speed reduced from 750 to 700 ups
- Reduced max speed from 625 to 600 ups
- Added a 10% speed boost during ability usage
Starting Machinegun
- Spread reduced from 0.03 to 0.02
- Damage reduced from 8 to 6
- Air Knockback lowered from 8 to 7 (to match the ground knockback)
Heavy Machinegun
- Spread reduced from 0.03 to 0.01
- Zoomed spread reduced from 0.009 to 0
- Unzoomed damage reduced from 10 to 9
- Air Knockback lowered from 8 to 7 (to match the ground knockback)
Starting Shotgun
- Reduced air knockback from 3.75 to 2.5 per pellet (to match the ground knockback)
Super Shotgun
- Reduced air knockback from 3.75 to 2.5 per pellet (to match the ground knockback)
Lightning Gun
- Use a point ray trace instead of cylinder radius
- RG starting ammo reduced from 10 to 5
- RG max ammo reduced from 25 to 10
- RG low ammo warning reduced from 5 to 2
- Railgun – Air knockback reduced from 80 to 60 (to match the ground knockback)
- Increased the value of Armor Shards from 5 to 10 hp
- Reduced dropped shard count from 3 to 2
- Drop armor shards in a tighter circle
- Unholy Trinity – Spawn players max hp & max ap
- Unholy Trinity – No longer spawn or drop items
- Unholy Trinity – Blood pools are no longer active
- Sacrifice & Sac Tourney – Reduced soul extraction time from 3 to 2.5 sec
Blood Covenant
- Blood Covenant – Added railgun ammo to lower pillar cooldown ledge (new ammo in Duel and moved TDM ammo to this location)
Corrupted Keep
- Fixed exploit outside HMG bones
- Fixed ledge collision exploit behind HA
- Duel layout for all modes
- Moved HA room cooldowns to near the MH LA ledge
- Moved HA room upper jumppad health to the HA room ledge
- Fixed brickslide wall collision near SNG
- Fixed power-up fx
- Fixed exploitative collision above HP stairs between LG & SNG
Ruins of Sarnath
- Fixed exploitative collision above HA jumppad
The Molten Falls
- Fixed exploitative collision above LG stairs
- Moved the cooldowns from SNG to mid level door in the main courtyard
- Removed one cooldown from the banana bones
Vale of Pnath
- Fixed exploitative collision above RG
- Added RG ammo near the TP window
- Added RL ammo to the LG cave
- Added LG ammo to the HA mid level
- Removed SG ammo from center tower
- Removed HMG ammo from TP window
Vestibule of Exile
- Updated some troublesome collision
- Fixed pain sound percentage issue in modes where max health is set to above 100
- Reduced pain sounds to two pain events, one below 50 hp and one below 25 hp.
- We now use the previous 100 & 75 pain sounds to generate the 50 hp sound event, to give more separation clarity between the <50 and <25 pain sounds.
- Increased the volume of the third person pain sounds, bringing them to the same db levels, and added a new low pain sound for DK that isn’t just him saying “Ow.”
- Updated nvidia outdated driver check to support shorter Linux version numbers
- Removed the delays in elements of the Love Shaft shot sounds
- Bots disabled in all Quick Play modes (this test is backend updates only & not build dependent)
- Fixed Scorpion SNG spectator crash
- Increased telefrag radius from 0.5 to 0.8 m (same as Dire Orb & Ghostwalk)
- Fixed on-screen acid in picmip
- Fixed TORMENTOR barrel fx during Ghostwalk
- Simplified Leaderboard data, to remove inaccurate or incomplete stat data
- Disabled Arena Kings leaderboard
- Defaulting to Direct Mouse Input
- Disabled Razer Chroma by default
- Reduced texture load for High and Ultra
- No longer selling reliquaries in the store (still available as login rewards)
- Fixed Warehouse loading screen
- Anti-cheat updates
- Fixed Linux/Proton direct input support