Scalebearer: A Warrior in Exhile #
As a warlord of the marauding Greiss, he conquered countless worlds, plundering technology to strengthen his armies. But defeat by a reclusive, phase-shifting race led to his exile. Obsessed with vengeance, he discovered their power source: an ancient shrine with a seething sphere of liquid within. When at last he slaughtered its guardians and entered, the sphere consumed him—and he vanished. He awoke in a bizarre, brutal realm, transformed by arcane energy. Now he seeks a way back, to regain his command and wield his newfound might.
CHAMPION Stats | |
MAX HEALTH | 100 |
HEALTH DECAY RATE | 1 per 2 seconds |
MAX ARMOR | 125 |
ARMOR DECAY RATE | 1 per 2 seconds |
RUN SPEED | 300 ups |
MAX SPEED | 700 ups |

Rushing forward at a great speed like a giant engine. Bull Rush has the capability of killing anything on its path. As it’s activated damage will be greatly reduced along the charge duration.
Active Ability Tips:
Scalebearer charges forward, dealing massive amounts of damage to any opponents he hits. Scalebearer loses maneuverability while his ability is active but becomes much more resistant to damage.
- Cool Down: 60 seconds
- Duration: 3 seconds
- Bullrush Ground Acceleration: 150 upss
- Interruption Speed: 200 ups
- Max speed: 700 ups
- Damage Reduction: 60%
- Weapon Disabled After Rush Duration: 0.4 seconds
- Damage: 75 over 400 ups speed, 50 below
- If a rushing Scalebearer is slowed below the interruption speed, the Bullrush will stop
Scalebearer charges in camera look direction to do damage by colliding. Camera moves much slower while Bullrush.
You can cancel Bullrush after 1 second by pressing ability button. Also bullrush will stop after hitting any obstacle exept enemy that will die from bullrush.
Bullrush will start with 450 ups if Scalebearer had this speed while Acceleration but speed will not be increasing for a second.
You can combo weapon with bullrush but not just after bullrush due 0.4 s weapon disable duration.
Run over small gaps while Bullrush
Scalebearer will gain speed when moving in a straight line until 450 ups
Scalebearer deal 25 damage to enemy by bumping while having 395+ ups
Scalebearer will gain speed when moving by holding move forward button. Stafes drop speed. Speed cap for Acceleration is 500 ups.
After Strafe Jumping you can run with 500 ups if had this or higher speed.
You can run over small gaps if you have high enough speed
Deal 25 damage to enemy by bumping while having 399+ ups and 50 if more than 499 ups. You can use Acceleration to do it. Also vertical speeed from jump pads and rocket jumps also counts.
Lore Scrolls #
The Uurd have fallen. I leave behind a garrison and military governor to shape their future as another cog in the Greiss war machine. The Drikt Sector campaign nears its end; this campaign may be my last. Perhaps the time has come to return to the Greiss Dominion, to consolidate my conquests and rule rather than expand, to cement my position in the Empire. But I’ve time yet to consider. We have one more world ahead of us, though it should yield even more readily than most. A soft, weak place controlled by a race called the Melem.
What sort of cowardly, fatherless egg-clutchers have my soldiers become? Has this campaign gone so easily for them that they have forgotten what it means to be Greiss? The Melem are nothing! Weaklings! Pacifists! Yet every report I receive is defeat after defeat, burbling some nonsense about “phantom enemies.” As if we’d never before dealt with stealth technology! I had planned to supervise from the command ship, but clearly I must take a personal hand. And I’ve not decided yet whether the Melem or my own incompetent officers shall suffer the worse for it!
“I stagger through the wreckage of our siege engines. I’m dizzy; one of those cursed phantom warriors passed through me, and my mind feels as though they left something within it. The smoke burns my eyes, but I welcome it. Without it I would be forced to stare at the incoming holographic message instead of only hearing it. The Dominion is taking my command from me. They call it reassignment, but I know exile for what it is. Shame. Disgrace. But I could bear that if I knew how it happened. Damn the Melem, I will know how!”
“I must know. I will know. Been here … Five days? Six? Too busy to keep track, to sleep. I’ve read every single report, every communique, from the Melem theater. I was wrong. Not stealth tech, no. So very far beyond mere stealth. Penetration of physical barriers, of defensive shields. Phase-shifting? Dimensional transfer? The Melem should not be so far advanced. This is far beyond anything the Greiss have created. How have they done it? I can take it all back, grind them into dust, spread the Dominion over a thousand more systems once I know!”
“I have seen it! Fatigue finally took me, and in my dreams I have seen it! A great orb, made of plasma and power and the desires of they who dwell between worlds. The Melem did not create this wonder, they merely harnessed it. And I will have it! I have told Doctor Auvor and Commander Thrrim of my revelation, described it in detail, demanded they recreate it. They doubt. They mouth reassurances between nagging queries about my mind’s wellbeing. As though I were some deluded invalid! But they will understand. They will succeed, and they will believe.”
“Another failure. And these fools call themselves scientists! Yet, we were close. Even amid the sparks and strobes, I saw them through the walls of this reality: Things reaching for us, watching, wanting, needing. I saw them, and they saw me. I wonder why Doctor Auvor and his people insist on lying to me. They claim the machine produced no effect at all, that they cannot even fathom the technology of the orb I’ve described. They tell me I cannot have seen anything out of the ordinary. Until I know the purpose of their deceptions, I pretend to demur.”
“The dreams come nightly now. Black cities of impossible angles, built on foundations of broken universes. And within them dwell gods, their eyes turned in our direction. It is because the scientists’ partial failures have linked me with the Melem’s orb. I know it, and I know the wisdom and the power within that orb must belong to the Greiss. To me. Auvor and Thrrim speak against me, tell the others I’ve gone mad with vengeful obsession. They want this power for themselves, but I am not concerned with their ambitions. The hidden gods know who is worthy.”
“As I anticipated, the gods within the Orb have made their preference known. I have awakened from my dreams to halls stained with blood and shredded flesh. A pity they slew my entire team, rather than merely the traitors Auvor and Thrrim, but no matter. I do find it curious that the hidden ones chose to use my weapons to cull them while I slumbered, but I will know their ways and reasons in time. To Melem lands, then, for in these new dreams I have seen the Opener of the Way. I know how to enter the Orb.”
“The guardians of the shrine fall before me. The wards fail in my presence. I see it now, greater even than I dreamt, flashing and phasing before me, and I wonder: Why accept the aid of gods when I might become one? Why settle for conquering star systems when I might sit upon the throne of a universe? I will enter the Orb. The Melem will take their rightful place beneath my feet. And I will take from these alien gods their supreme power. I will expand the Dominion, I will be the Dominion, and realities will bow before me.”

Artifact #
Comic #
Check out the comic book for more details into the backstory of Nyx, available on Amazon and Comixology.

Voice Over Lines #
- Soon all will know my strength
- Your head is mine!
Who’s ready for a fight?
- Ah, hahahah!
- You should’ve moved, filth.
- Your efforts are wasted.
- You have proven your weakness.
- Let the culling begin.
- I will cut you down.
- My blood is burning in anticipation.
- My blood burns.
- Today was a good day.
- Like lambs to the slaughter.
- Come on, fight me!
- Flawless victory.
- Show no mercy!
- I will rise and take my place among the gods.
- You have shamed your fathers.
- Like fighting children.
- Die, knowing your life as meaningless.
- I could use that gun you’re carrying.
- It is my destiny to hold the stars in my hand.
- You are but ants before me.
- I do not fault your fleeing.
- Thank the gods.
- This fight belongs to me.
- Your fate is sealed.
- Keep up the fight, soldiers.
- I am unstoppable!
- You must not hesitate in battle.
- I will send my foes fleeing.
- Mwahhhh.
- Reinforcements have arrived.
- Sick together, soldiers.
- The battle is dragging.
- This battle is dragging on too long.
- You will regret that.
- Regret will be yours.
- We need to regroup.
- We must keep up the fight.
- Come together for the win.
- We need to come together if we are going to win this.
- They’re pushing too hard.
- Rawr.
- We must pull through this.
- This is going to leave a mark.
- This may be my day to die.
- Gods weep at my defeat.
- Rawr.
- I will run you down.
- All will fall before me.
- I need a weapon!
- Rawr.
- I will lead the way!
- Crush them!
- I need assistance.
- I am getting low.
- Could use a hand here.
- I’m bleeding out.
- No time for weakness.
- I need support.
- Ow, cover me.
- You have not beaten me yet.
- Your power will not stop me.
- Have you no honor?
Game Info #

Customization Items #
Organic #
Scalebearer’s standard battle uniform. It allows him free range of motion in his torso, while hardened scales protect much of his body.
Controls Scalebearer’s vitals and suit systems when in hazardous environments.
Scalebearer proved his worth and took command of his people. This horn is the sign of his right as Warlord.
The energy in Scalebearer’s chest sometimes surges to uncontrollable levels. This module helps suppress the dangerous radiation.
Cold environments can slow the blood flow. This device warms the blood and forces it through the body’s circulatory system.
Reinforced boot tips that can break bones.
The hard surface and soft interior is perfect for when Scalebearer assumes a crouched firing position.
Battalion #
Also known as “Tank Armor”, this outfit is used in heavy combat, and is designed for harsh environments.
These additions protect Scalebearer from sonic attacks.
During times of elevated energy use, this additional tubing helps vent intense suit pressure.
Protects more of the arm’s exposed surface area.
Matches the left shoulder pauldron. When equipped, presents a truly menacing figure.
Bone #
Fashioned from the skeleton of one of the greatest Greiss warlords, the bones gleam and hum with power.
Ripped from a defeated king’s carcass, Scalebearer adds another of these scales to his ceremonial armor for every system he conquers.
The king’s strong bones were just another sign of his right to rule. Now they are Scalebearer’s.
These razor-sharp arm guards were carved from an enemy’s spinal column.
Executor #
Oni #
An ancient warrior driven by the power of a demon. Exclusive to players who purchase the GameStop special edition.
Scalebearer’s trusty hat. It bears the marks of many years of use. The hole in the brim is a mark of honor.
A mask carved from bone, it is said to resemble the appearance of the demon Scalebearer killed.
Various hooks and straps, used here to carry tools and small items.
Horns ripped from a monster’s corpse. A cut from these becomes almost instantly infected, turning flesh rotten in hours.
Scalebearer took this from a skilled swordfighter. His soul screamed as he was imprisoned inside the sword.
Pro League #
Overseer #
Vanities #
This parasitic creature consumes his astrocytes and neuronsats until nothing is left but a hulking shell.
Some cultures respond well to savagery. To that end, Scalebearer will display the remains of their leaders as a trophy.
Imprisoned by the Vaeyen, a contained Cyaegha watches over Scalebearer. In exchange, he is cursed by blood to serve. A dangerous gambit they both may regret.
All aboard the pain train, when wearing this winter’s toy-train engineer cap you’re the one in charge.
Quake Pro League 2023
You can’t deny love is in the air and Anteros is here to see to it that you don’t.