March 25, 2025


Resource collection plays a key role in Quake. Always stay attentive to what items you lack and learn to move deliberately through the arenas, setting a course to pickup key items you need to improve your combat standing. Don’t always rush into combat, try to choose when to fight, and make sure you have the right items in hand before you do.

While aim plays an important role in Quake Champions, sometimes surviving comes down to who was most prepared for the fight. Suppose you encounter an enemy with equal skill; what may ultimately set you apart from your opponent is what we call your stack. A player’s stack is comprised of their total health and armor combined, defining how much damage they can take before being fragged. Let’s take a look at the most important items to pick up to maintain a healthy stack and ensure that you are ready for combat.

Each arena has at least one Mega Health and one Heavy Armor. Players who learn the location of these items, and when they respawn, guarantee themselves a healthier stack, and a great deal more success in combat.

Health #

If at any time you’re wounded, seek out the nearest health. All health pick-ups are blue. These Small Health pick-ups are readily available throughout the arena. They restore one container, and respawn 15 seconds after pick-up.

There is almost always one nearby, so try to refill your health between or even during fights – but beware, your opponent will also know the temptation and may be baiting you to pick up the item. Try not to enter fights if you are low on health.

Armor #

The other half of your stack is your armor. Unlike health, a player never spawns with full armor, so you can immediately begin picking up armor after you spawn. All armor items are green and come in three forms. Light Armor will restore one armor container, and respawns in 30 seconds. More importantly, a suit of Heavy Armor will restore four armor containers, increasing your armor rating by up to 100 points, including up to three containers above your max armor. Like the Mega Health, the Heavy Armor is a major item with a 30 second respawn time. 

Lastly, following combat, each fallen combatant will drop three Armor Shards. Armor Shards provide 5 armor points each, a small boost to your armor pool to provide you a bit of protection and reward for your success in combat. Even when you are already at max armor, Armor Shards can also be collected to increase your armor stack, granting you temporary protection, much like the Heavy Armor – so try to get in a habit of collecting those armor shards.

Power Ups #

Power-ups are temporary bonuses to help you in the arena. Present in most modes, these powerful items can turn the tide of battle or secure a convincing victory, but they only appear in the match every two minutes, and once obtained you only have 30 seconds to make good use of them. 15 seconds before a power-up is available, players receive an incoming power-up warning. This means you and your team will need to position around the power-up location and fight for control before it becomes available. If you’re standing there too soon, you may become an unfortunate target, but if you make it there too late you may let it fall into enemy hands. Time your arrival carefully.

Each arena has at least one power-up location where either a Quad Damage or Pentagram of Protection can spawn.

Other #

Guide by Vengeur #

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