1st Annual Community Choice Awards for the Giving Thanks Contest, brought to you by Church of Quake.

Most Quake Champions competitions have to do with the skill of the players, these events are often brought to you by Quake loving community members that want to make our community better with positive interactions and events. This time the competition is for those very people that spend all their time holding events and creating content for others. Maybe they are casters donating time and talent to community events, or they are streamers sharing their love of the game with the world. They could be event organizers, game admins, player wranglers, and graphic designers, all donating their time to make a Quake event better. Or they could be a community content creator that gives news updates, makes player guides, makes YouTube videos to help new players, brings information together on a website/forum, or updates the stats of a competition as it plays out.
If you know of a person that fits into the above description, and is a positive force in our community, it is time to show them the love by nominating them to win this contest.
One nomination entry per person. A person may be a nominee in multiple categories.
The three categories are:
- Talent (Casters and streamers)
- Organizers (Event and Competition organizers and workers)
- Content Creators (Web designers, YouTube videographers, player guide makers, journalists, musicians, and other media content creators)
The winners will be chosen based off a score:
- The number of nominations
- The impact of their contributions to the community
- A positivity score of their content
Prizes are TBA. Winners will be expected to conduct interviews for a podcast. Entries accepted between November 1st, 2019 7:00 pm CT through November 16th, 2019 11:59 pm CT. Winners will be announced in December of 2019.
Congratulations 2019 Winners! #
Talent Winner: Zoot
Organizer Winner: kuachi
Content Creator Winner: Hawr1x
Overall Winner: Jehar