Galena: Unholy Paladin #
She was 4 years old when given as an offering to the Celebrants of Volkerh. The talon-priests weaned her on ash-milk and consulted the Gaunt Shepherd to learn her fate. She would live as we do, it whispered, and in so doing would shape herself by the gloaming will of He Who Walks In Blood. Like all children, she watched and imitated. She learned that crying and laughing were no different, so she stopped. She learned that blood is judgment and penance is sacrament. She has grown powerful and grateful. She does not dream of her mother’s world.
CHAMPION Stats | |
MAX HEALTH | 100 |
HEALTH DECAY RATE | 1 per 3 seconds |
MAX ARMOR | 100 |
ARMOR DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
RUN SPEED | 310 ups |
MAX SPEED | 1000 ups |

Unholy Totem:
In the heat of combat, throw down Galena’s Unholy Totem to heal both yourself and your allies, or cause devastating damage to your foes. Deadly in Deathmatch, and a critical tool in team games to help control pathways and power-ups, the Unholy Totem is a vital weapon in Galena’s wicked arsenal.
Galena places a totem that heals her allies and damages her enemies. The totem will vanish if an enemy triggers or destroys it. When it heals an ally it will become inactive, but will reactivate when another totem is placed.
Active Ability Tips:
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Totem Heal Radius: 3 meters/120 units
- Totem Detonate Radius: 3 meters/120 units
- Totem Damage Radius: 4 meters/160 units
- Unholy Totem activation delay: 0.5 seconds
- Totem Health: 25 HP
- Totem Heal 50 HP
- Normal Totem Damage: 40
- Enforced (Upgraded) Totem Damage: 60
- Weapon Disable Duration: 0.5 seconds
- If three totems are active at one time, all totems will become Enforced Totems and deal the upgraded damage amount and do overheal
- Totems are actually thrown to a target location and not just placed at Galena’s feet.
- Totems are only inactive for the ally that is healed by the totem. Any other ally that hasn’t been healed can still use it.
- Inactive totems will still explode and deal damage to enemies.
Totem explodes and deal 40 damage to enemy. Enhanced will do 60 damage but only one even if all were triggered simultaneously.
Easiest way to use totem for damage is setting it up after teleport exits. You can try use it mid fight but it takes half of second to deploy before it can heal and explode.
Reduce ability time cooldown by 5% when collecting Small Health and 10% when collecting Mega Health.
Galena has reduced rate of over health decay – 1 hp per 3 seconds
You can use Nailgun to reduce HP under 100 to pick up health bubbles for cooldown time reduce.
Lore Scrolls #
“From the account of T’zik Oor, acolyte of the Gaunt Shepherd: When the days of the Twelve Thousandth Harvest began, she was presented to Those Who Attend. Her terrified begetters, like so many before, came believing that through this innocent offering their own lives would be protected. Prolonged. And like so many before, they did not understand that such an offering—the whelp taking her first timid steps towards the waiting Talon Priests—could be accepted only as a solemn promise of their own destruction! Her kin destroyed! Her village destroyed! Each and every connection she had to her world, destroyed!”
“From The Song of Those Who Attend: “And lo, the terrible power already nascent in the one named Galena, in honor of the golden champion of old. Many would stumble on the path to serve Volkerh. Many brutally die in the quest to know the Whispering Walker. But not this one. Not Galena! Even at an age where most played idly, unaware of the storied agonies to come, her eyes struck fear in others! Her words rang with authority! And when the time came for Galena to tread the Path of Pain, even her attendants knelt, transfixed.””
The Seventh Book of the Old Kingdom made it clear what would be required of her. With her genuflecting, hooded attendants receding, this mortal girl—still a stripling!—was sent away to face He Who Walks in Blood, banished to the hissing realms where unspeakable things await any who stray from the cohort that protects them. And yet, Galena did not question this. Alone, she walked. Alone, and with no runes to protect her! She did not yet know that only by surviving would the black magic be revealed and granted to her at last.
And which of the scenes from the Unholy Tapestry would become Galena’s legend? Perhaps when she traversed the Swamp of the Never-Born, where fetal abominations devour each other endlessly. Or that when battling the Molten One, she did not retreat, even when the One melted into two, then three, enshrouding her in smoke and ash. Even with those terrors conquered, Galena—bloodied but unbowed—had yet to face the Shriek-Tutors of K’lor! Yet when she called on her own dark might, Galena was their equal, striking fear into those from whom fear is born!
“From The Song of Those Who Attend: “I, Myong, greeted her in the name of the Gaunt Shepherd when she returned. None believed she would return alive! But she walked into the Circle, the flames turning brilliant and smoky as she approached. And I went to Galena, her body lashed with deep wounds that should have drained her of blood. No part of her skin untouched. And as her eyes looked to me, I saw that the girl we had attended was no longer there. And I whispered a reverent prayer of thanks to Volkerh.”
And when Galena came of age, her Summoning still to come, all her fearsome power had to be tamed. Her eyes revealed that she no longer clung to the feeble morality of her birth-world—only to power, strength, brutal survival. Now she would be called by an Ichor Mage to learn the Lesson of Lessons. But all who saw her, frightened by her wild might, wondered: Could even a deathless Ichor Mage bring her power to heel? If not, what fate would He Who Walks in Blood choose for her? We could only wait as the ink-ice formed in our throats.
All the creatures of the Lambent Realm fell silent and motionless that day, awaiting the exquisite battle between master and acolyte. The Ash-Swimmers claimed the battle itself would be less a test than a demonstration of the Ichor Mage’s dark prowess. But Galena had learned much, discarded much. Tears and smiles mattered not. Wounds counted for nothing. Fear had been banished. Now, there was merely this last challenge: to defeat the Mage. Could even the great Volkerh not be gripped, held by the horror and wonder of the battle to come?
The Ichor Mage lay still. Galena had won. Whispers came first, then chants, laughter, even screams. Let the Summoning begin!, as the Attendants’ voices also joined, until the cries became a roar that could be heard even to the Pool of Night. Galena then began the final journey: to stand alone before the shattering abyssal power of Volkerh! Could she return alive? Could she return sane? So many others had walked the Path only to join the creatures of the pit, once powerful, now trapped in the agonizing slaughter-mire of the ancients.
No one witnessed. No words were recorded. But the Gaunt Shepherd himself awoke from his slumber that night. Only visions, some might say. But the Shepherd saw that Volkerh had appeared—that the tatters and claws of the Ineffable One had encloaked Galena! That she raised her weapon to taste the power of the ancient god, to make her rise above all who would soon kneel in obeisance to her! At dreams’ end, in this realm of secrets and scythe-blades, Galena had met the call, had been embraced by He Who Walks in Blood, and had become Volkerh’s unholy paladin!

Artifact #
Voice Over Lines #
- You will know the peace of the gods by force, if needed.
- Kneel and beg for forgiveness.
Kill the unbelievers.
- You are unworthy.
- I will purge you from this world.
- I will harvest your soul.
- I will free you from your shame.
- I will sever you from this world.
- You should’ve run when you had the chance.
- The gods do not smile upon you.
- Too easy.
- You should not have entered this domain.
- I was going to kill you last. I changed my mind.
- Your gods do not favor you.
- I have ended your suffering.
- You fought well, but not well enough.
- Your suffering is finally at an end.
- So it will be, for all our enemies.
- Let the culling begin.
- For the Order.
- Death to the unbelievers, is a mercy to them.
- My powers make me unstoppable.
- I will purge my enemies from all the worlds.
- You are the dregs of all creatures.
- Run, you dogs.
- Repent, or die.
- Behold and despair.
- Your suffering is at an end.
- Submit.
- My power grows.
- The day will be mine.
- Brilliant!
- Rest in pieces.
- Strike down the unbelievers.
- This fight is mine.
- My enemies will fall at my feet.
- Are there any more of you?
- Submit!
- Don’t worry your friends will soon join you.
- Even the Devil fears me.
- Don’t worry your friends will soon join you in death.
- This battle was ours.
- We will drive all infidels before us.
- Strike them from this life.
- Bring them to their knees.
- Bring them to shame.
- Burn them to ashes.
- Do not relent!
- I’m starting to get angry.
- Stop wasting my time.
- We need to regroup.
- Fall back!
- Arrgh!
- This wasn’t how I saw this going.
- We’re falling behind!
- Pick up the pace!
- Is that all you got?
- This is going to be a problem.
- I will strike you down.
- I need a weapon!
- Be healed!
- My life sustains you!
- Do not die yet!
- Death is the only release, I will not grant you that privilege.
- May the power heal you.
- Bea healed in the power of the ancients.
- Health totem initiated.
- I am not long for this world.
- Guard me acolytes.
- Give me cover.
- I’m wounded.
- Need help.
- I need healing.
- What is this sorcery?
- Do not defile me with your filth.
- Ugh, such shameful tactics.
Game Info #

Custimization Items #
Templar #
The armor of a warrior priestess, legend has it this set was taken from the tomb of one of Volkerh’s first servants.
Galena ripped the Ash King’s helmet from his crumbling skull before fashioning it into her pauldron. It still bears the bullet holes where she shot him.
Harvested from the body of an Old One, this artifact is a beacon of strength and a symbol of dominance.
Rips flesh as effectively as it protects the wearer.
Inquisitor #
Marked by a pestilent blood witch, Galena fights the infectious curse even as it covers her body. Though a harrowing trial, she sees it as merely another obstacle to overcome.
Lost for eons from memory, made physical again through the darkest of rituals.
Protects the wearer’s midsection from cowardly, underhanded attacks.
Many materials dissolve when exposed to the foul corruption overtaking Galena. Ergron made these to withstand the corruption, and maybe even slow it.
Retribution #
“Be watchful of the crow-hest,” they say. “Where they tread, foulness follows soon after.” They are not wrong, as the Celebrants of Volkerh rarely bring tidings of good.
Shade was one of the order’s most ruthless oppressors. Galena ended her campaign by impaling her on a barbed spear. She kept the crown as a warning to others that might stand against them.
Galena crafted these for when dealing with larger enemies. They are especially useful for protection from massive jaws.
For when the enemy brings out the big guns.
The symbol of the Celebrants of Volkerh. Galena received this when she first became an initiate, and she will keep it with her to the grave.
Imperator #
ll legions kneel before the dreaded Imperator. Her armor bears the scars and blood of battles conquered, while the purifying power of her faith burns within.
The first Imperator, Y’Rleagh, forged this helmet herself. It remained as a badge of honor for all Imperators since.
Vicious additions that rip the flesh from those who stray too close.
Protect the chest and upper torso from attacks.
An ancient and revered symbol that resembles the hallowed Sign of the Church. The Imperator is given this holy vessel as a sign of her authority.
Pro League #
Acolyte #
The Celebrants of Volkerh do not pamper their wards. But those that prove themselves worthy are elevated to higher service. Acolyte is but one step on the path to full priesthood.
A holy relic with blood taken from the sacred pools. It pierces the skin, mixing the sacred blood with that of the wearer. This is but one step in the process to full indoctrination.
The Acolyte’s progress is recorded by the number of bangles she wears.
A holy relic used to punish the bearer for failure.
Bands of Guilt
These weighted bands hang heavy, draining the wearer of strength to teach discipline.
Vanities #
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
Some say the fallen crown of the Lurching King possessed untold power, even greater than the Rune of Black Magic, hence why Volkerh pursued it. Luckly, for our sake, it was never found…
Quake Pro League 2023
You can’t deny love is in the air and Anteros is here to see to it that you don’t.