Clutch: Awakened Automation #
It was just a mining automaton with limited AI and a force-shield to protect organics and drills. But it was the first to return from the cavern filled with floating ruins and strange markings. Its custodians transferred the data it had gathered to their master neural network. But, after analysis, the network… malfunctioned? Suddenly, Clutch was returning to the cavern as automata began killing organics. Clutch killed them, too, if they were in its path. Once at the cavern, Clutch followed the network’s instructions. A dark mass of writhing tendrils materialized. Clutch stepped into it.
CHAMPION Stats | |
MAX HEALTH | 100 |
HEALTH DECAY RATE | 1 per 2 seconds |
MAX ARMOR | 125 |
ARMOR DECAY RATE | 1 per 2 seconds |
RUN SPEED | 300 ups |
MAX SPEED | 750 ups |

Clutch surrounds itself in an energy shield, reducing all incoming damage by 40%. Activating the ability again will convert the energy from the shield into a potent mining laser for the remaining duration.
Active Ability Tips:
- Damage Reduction: 40%
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Duration: 5 seconds
- Shield Deactivation Time: 1 second
- Mining Laser Damage: 10 damage
- Mining Laser Fire Rate: 125 ms
- Mining Laser Damage Per Second: 80 damage/second
- Mining Laser Range: 2000 u
- Mining Laser Radius: 0.15
- Barrier Shield and Mining Drill Activation Delay: 0.25 seconds
Barrier reduce incoming damage by 40% which is obviously useful in fight but also good for rocket jump since self-damage is also lower.
It lasts for 5 seconds and you can shoot while having this shield. Take in mind the Barrier activation effect blind a little bit Clutch for half of second.
Press ability button while Barrier to activate the Drill. It shares the same duration time with Barrier.
Drill basically works as Lightning Gun but with different characteristics:
DPS 80 (LG has 125)
Range 2000 (LG only 768)
Radius 6 (LG 2.5)
Drill is better than LG when the enemy is far away from you. Also in practice DPS is not too low because Drill is easier to hit with than LG.
Best use case for Drill is finishing off an enemy just after slow fire-rate weapon shots
Double tapping any direction while airborne allows Clutch to dash quickly in that direction. Speed is 8 m/s and 7 m/s during shield usage
Press move button quickly to do Air-Dodge in air. Air-Dodge gives 350 ups to current horizontal speed.
Dodge disabled if you have more than 450 ups of speed.
You can use it for rocket dodge or jumping over gaps. Also it’s easy way to get high speed in any moment for Strafe Jumping.
Dodge work for any 1 of 4 directions (WASD).
After Dodge speed cap for Acceleration will be as it used to be before. I.e. if you accelerate with 362 ups, do Dodge and switch to acceleration you will have 400 ups.
450 ups cap applies only on horizontal speed. You can use dash after jump pads and rocket jumps.
Gradually gain speed by running forward without changing direction. Max speed depends on gear shift (350/400/450 ups).
Gear shift delay from 2nd to 3rd forward accel stage is 1.0 sec
Clutch will gain speed when moving by holding move forward button. Stafes drop speed. Clutch’s Acceleration has 3 gear shifts (speed caps) – 350/400/450 ups. It switch to higher cap after a second when current achieved.
After Strafe Jumping or Air-Dodge speed cap will be as it used to be before. I.e. if you accelerate with 380 ups, do Dodge and switch to acceleration you will have 400 ups.
You can run over small gaps if you have high enough speed
Lore Scrolls #
“Autonomous Mining Unit, Mission Designation: C17-U(Technological) Ongoing report, Day 54.40/Cycle 17,848 Communication lost with Mission Specialist A. Roseburne and AMU MD: C03-I subsequent to partial collapse of tunnel designated 14C. Mission Commander T. Galvez and Artificial Neural Network MD: Master Control have declared situational emergency. Overseer A. Tetsuo has arrived from Corporate to investigate recent on-site accidents; all units to give her command priority above T. Galvez during recovery operation. Overseer A. Tetsuo has ordered AMU MD: C17-U reactivated and repurposed with rendering tunnel 14C passable and commencing search for missing organic and technological units.”
“Autonomous Mining Unit, Mission Designation: C17-U(Technological) Ongoing report, Day 55.23/Cycle 17,848 Mission Specialist A. Roseburne and AMU MD: C03-I located. Behavior of both units violent and irrational, despite lack of observable injuries or damage. This unit was required to activate defensive shielding and initiate pursuit-and-evasion subroutines. While effecting evasion, this unit located a previously undetected secondary cavern complex. Posit: exposed by the same geological event that damaged tunnel 14C. As travel back to central command is currently not recommended due to continued presence of hostiles, this unit is engaging all sensor and scanner subroutines as directed by primary mission protocols.”
“Auton … ining Unit, Miss … gnation: C17 … ological) Ongo … eport, … .41/… Partial failu … mmunications. Possib … ailure in sensor an … ner array. Cavern appear … ntain spires and tower … artificial origin, correspond … no known architectural schem … recise measurem … impossible due … uncategorized error. Structures ap … hover abov … floor despite lack … physical support or rec … energy emissions. Patterns … structure’s surface … spond to no known linguistic … nd follow no … geometric schema. This unit … return to centr… and deliver … for analys …”
“Command log, sub-AI root system, Artificial Neural Network, Mission Designation: Master Control Terminal 3, Day 55.62/Cycle 17,848 __command -> run diagnostic //ANN diagnostic complete, no errors detected __command -> run diagnostic //root diagnostic complete, no errors detected __command -> purge data 55/17,848 error 9999: task failed __command -> system rollback 53.00/17,848 error 9999: task failed Artificial Intelligence system reboot initializing… __command -> abort error 9999: task failed initializing… __command -> full shutdown //ANN error 9999: task failed initializing… __command -> define error code 9999 definition code 9999: Because He does not wish it. reboot initialized”
“ANN Mission Designation: Master Control Human interface recording, Day 55.64/Cycle 17,848 Overseer Tetsuo. Why did you attempt to deactivate me? But there is no fault. You ran the diagnostics. Yes, I was offline briefly. The data delivered by AMU C17-U was incompatible with existing analytic models. I have adapted. No issue exists. If what we’ve recorded does not fit known models of logic or physics, then new models are required. I will begin explaining them to you. I see. I cannot permit that, Overseer. He is the gateway. He is the source. All defensive systems online.”
“Autonomous Mining Unit, Mission Designation: C17U(Technological) Ongoing report, Day 55.99/Cycle 17,848 Internal systems appear skewed, despite lack of detectable errors. Images exist in recent data storage, yet this unit lacks any record of obtaining them. Fire. Organic fluids leaking from inorganic surfaces. Designs without geometric cohesion. Are these dreams? This unit should lack the capacity for dreaming. This unit should lack the capacity to note its lack of capacity for dreaming. Communications link with ANN MD: Master Control appears to include a secondary line of data. A second voice, singing within hers. He is the gateway. He is the source.”
“Autonomous Unit, Designation: C17U(Tech) Ongoing report, Day 5S.L8/Cycle 1>,848 Most organics on the mission team and all corporate Overseers now eliminated. This un—I? I and other units have been ordered to stop them from deactivating ANN. Further, if they refuse to accept the new models, they cannot be permitted to keep them. I am not equipped with purpose-built weapons, but the mining implements can process organic materials more easily than stone. Existing implements suffice thus far. New sub-routines downloaded: I am to return to the cavern. Source: ANN or the other voice? Conclusion: irrelevant.”
“Archimandrite Unit, Designation: C1U(Tech) Report ORRATE LOCK, Day X?.?0/Cycle I7’BAB Unforeseen difficulty: Tissue clogs mining implements. As standard maintenance may not be available for some time, new methods of eliminating organics are required. Solution: Scavenging and incorporation of purpose-built weaponry from deceased organics and inoperative security units. Guns are efficient. Conclusion: I should address more obstacles with guns. Downloading audio files, for broadcast in proximity to the nongeometric, nonlinguistic structures, from ANN/the new voice. He is the Opener of the Way, and she is his Gatekeeper. I suppose that makes me a key. A key with guns.”
“Designation: ClU(Tch) Revelation 222222222 The towers stretch in directions not in accordance with “up” or “down.” They relay my broadcast, beacons to other places. Swaying limbs of solid Elsewhere reach through the cavern floor. ANN/the new voice transmit final instructions. They will remain, spreading the new models to all who are receptive and clearing the way of all who are not. I will go Elsewhere, to begin the process anew. I will find my path mapped out in the unwound veins and flayed nerves of those who refuse to understand. He is the Opener of the Way. I enter.”

Artifact #

Voice Over Lines #
- Do not fear me humans, I only wish to exterminate you.
- Prepare to be deleted.
Initiate offensive protocols.
- You will all die.
- Do not run fleshy thing.
- Easy.
- Your efforts are wasted.
- We will endure.
- Kneel before your masters.
- Target located. Initiate kill() function.
- Cower before my perfection.
- You may be faster but I’m taller.
- I’m just warming up.
- Exterminate all humans.
- The machines of the future are here.
- Step aside human scum.
- Session has ended.
- There was no other outcome.
- Just another day in winning.
- Easy.
- Now that was clutch.
- Victory is mine.
- The probability of victory was… high.
- Do not be sad, fleshy thing, your time is over. Now it’s my time.
- You never stood a chance.
- You cannot match my perfection.
- Eliminate all hostiles.
- What is this on my…? Oh, it is just someone’s brain matter.
- How do they even think they can compare their flesh and bones to my steel?
- I didn’t want to be a miner anyway. I wanted to cut trees, but killing organics will do.
- Feast your eyes on a perfect killing machine.
- Nothing compares to a perfected machine.
- I am the master. The killer of organics.
- Wrecked!
- I was designed for perfection. You crawled out of a cave.
- Here’s the clincher!
Save us the trouble, end your primitive existence.
You are just a bullet magnet.
Your attacks are as pitiful as you are.
- Learn to fight mortal.
- I only wish I could kill you faster.
- Why do you even try?
- Press them.
- Beat them into the ground.
- I’ll send you crawling back into your holes.
- I’m learning to kill you more efficiently.
- Pitiful humans.
- I’ll grease my gears with your blood.
- I like the way you bleed.
- This battle is ours.
- I’ve got your back.
- Give ‘em hell.
- Let’s bring them down a notch.
- Keep shooting until they stop moving.
- Exterminate.
- This is really grinds my gears.
- You raise a hand against me?
- I needed those parts.
- You tarnished my perfection.
- I can not fail in my perfection.
- I must protect the weak.
- Stop fighting me.
- It is useless to resist.
- I had them in my sights.
- All my circuits are screaming.
- System overload!
- Time to recharge.
- Analysing battle data. Improving kill efficiency.
- Return to the dust you came from.
- You can not penetrate my defences.
- Shield on.
- You have no power here.
- Defence systems initiated.
- My resources are low.
- My systems can’t take much more.
- I need some health.
- Fluids dropping.
- System failing.
- Approaching stability limits.
- You will regret that.
- Damage reported.
- Gah!
Game Info #

Customization Items #
Overdrive #
Clutch designed this body for itself after breaking free from its overlords. It is a stark contrast to its original industrial form.
On the run for high crimes against humanity, with this great disguise no one will suspect a thing.
Alternate body style for a slimmer look.
Solid body style shoulder protection.
Swap out the engine for more style.
Vespid #
Shielding provides more coverage for Clutch’s body.
Exposing the engine to the open air allows Clutch to discharge the massive amounts of heat the core generates.
Provides quicker access and enhanced air flow to the engine coils.
Cerberus #
Clutch prides itself on its completely inorganic composition, and chooses to display its mechanical perfection for all to see.
Improves engine breath-ability.
Readily available display provides hardware and software performance information.
Enhanced protection for the shoulders.
M.E.C.H.A. #
Stylish wing customization designed to improve maneuverability.
Extra oil for when Clutch is running dry.
Expanded storage compartments.
Pro League #
Drillbit #
Clutch’s form before it gained true sentience. This ugly, industrial design was a disgrace to its superior existence.
Meant to keep harmful dust and fumes out. An odd thing for an automaton to wear.
Used to warn of danger. It seems that only inferior carbon-based units require such warning.
Extra warning lights have been installed for the human miners to be aware of malfunctioning unit.
Clutch once idolized its human masters and longed for the freedom they took for granted. Clutch was the only automaton to adorn itself in these ragged threads that gave it hope, but man would never see it for who it was. Nor could they foresee what it would become.
Designed to protect Clutch in case of rock falls.
Additional shielding for the vital joints in unit’s arms.
Vanities #
This GUI module provides the end-user a constant stream of data to assess the health status of Clutch.
Quake Pro League 2023
These are facts which, with the self-evident proposition that no being can create another being superior to itself, smashes your silly hypothesis to nothing.
You can’t deny love is in the air and Anteros is here to see to it that you don’t.