Two teams face off against each other. Kill the enemy team to win the round. First team to win 7 rounds wins the match.
Rules #
- The two Teams consist of 2 players each
- Eliminate the other team to win the round
- Players fight until one team wins 7 rounds
- Players do not respawn when killed until next round
- Players spawn with all weapons and full ammo, no items spawn on the map
- Players do not drop items on death (shards, health, stroyent, weapon)
- Active abilities are disabled
Maps #
- Awoken
- Blood Covenant
- Blood Run
- Burial Chamber
- Church of Azathoth
- Citadel
- Corrupted Keep
- Lockbox
- Ruins of Sarnath
- Tempest Shrine
- The Molten Falls
- The Longest Yard
- Tower of Koth
- Vale of Pnath