Ranger: Slipgate Marine #
Two decades ago, a lone Marine stepped through the Slipgate and into nightmare. He cut through countless horrors to find four eldritch Runes, then laid waste to the abomination known as Shub-Niggurath.Trapped in these realms ever since, he has survived using the power of the Dire Orb seized from within the hot gore of the All-Mother.Time and delirium have eroded his resolve and even his name, but a worn family photograph tucked away in his armor serves as a scrap of hope and sanity.
CHAMPION Stats | |
MAX HEALTH | 100 |
HEALTH DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
MAX ARMOR | 100 |
ARMOR DECAY RATE | 1 per 1 second |
RUN SPEED | 310 ups |
MAX SPEED | 1000 ups |

Dire Orb:
Ranger’s active ability is the “Dire Orb” which allows him to teleport to the orb’s location, which can be used to damage opponents briefly for the collision. The projectile deals 15 damage to anybody it passes through, and can be used as a grenade too, as if not used, it detonates for up to 75 damage after a few seconds. When used it deals plain detonation damage in a radius and teleport collision adds another 75 damage to any opponent nearby.
Active Ability Tips:
- Cool Down: 60 seconds
- Orb Pass Through Damage: 15 damage
- Orb Explosion Maximum Splash Damage: 75 damage
- Orb Explosion Minimum Splash Damage: 10 damage
- Orb Telefrag Damage: 75 damage
- Weapon Disabled After Throw Duration: 0.5 seconds
- Orb Throw and Teleport Activation Delay: 0.125 seconds
Once used, the Dire Orb will travel in a straight line and will not expire or stop until either hitting a wall or going far outside of the map boundaries. One second after stopping, the orb will explode, dealing splash damage based on proximity. Dire Orb also deals contact damage upon passing through an enemy player. Using the ability anytime before the orb explodes will teleport Ranger to the orb’s location. If the orb is inside an enemy player while teleporting, the orb will deal telefrag damage. It is possible to stack both contact damage and telefrag damage if well timed.
The orb can be thrown through holes and windows to get to a location faster than otherwise possible.
Dire Orb dealing 25 damage by touching and 100 if you teleport inside of enemy (telefrag but not lethal). You can combine orb with burst weapon to do over 200 damage in the blink of an eye.
Also you may use Orb as short timed area of deny or distraction
Son of a Gun:
Reduces self-damage by 75%. Other champions have 50% self-damage. That means Ranger can take max 25 damage from a rocket when others 50. It’s a great passive ability for both rocket jumps and close rocket launcher fights.
Lore Scrolls #
Not much of a writer. But I have to get some things down on paper before my brain turns to mush. Some of the important stuff is already gone. Can’t remember what my own goddamn name is, for instance. It’s gotta be something about this place. It messes up my thoughts. The only time I can focus is when I’m fighting. As soon as the fighting stops, it’s like a fog rolls into my head. But I’ll get it written down. I have to, for Annie and the kids. If I forget them, I’ll never find a way out of this hellhole.
Seems like a hundred years since I got that call at 0400. I hauled ass to the Slipgate Complex, but the shit had already hit the fan. Marines bleeding from their eyes, some kind of half-done mods in their skin, all of them trying to kill me. Even a couple of guys I knew. Commander was AWOL. The place was a maze. It was like the worst dream I’d ever had. But I know how to follow orders. I just had to find “Quake” and kill it. No time to think about what the hell I was seeing.
They didn’t tell me much about the Slipgate. They had hired some creepy egghead to build it in the underground levels — Gilman, I think his name was. But what else was he doing down there? Why was the facility laid out like a death trap? When I used that first Slipgate, I got zapped to somewhere else, but it looked the same. Had they already gone through and built a base on the other side? What about those psycho Marines, the poor bastards? Who did that to them? Was it Quake, or was it Gilman?
Doesn’t make any sense. I was fighting for my life as soon as I got there, and then things just kept getting darker and weirder. There were other Slipgates, and I went through them. Nowhere else to go. No idea where they were leading to. I just shot at anything that moved, and I’ve been shooting ever since. Feels like the night terrors I got after Vietnam. Maybe the whole thing really is just a bad nightmare. What else would explain any of it? Somebody wake me up. My wife and kids need me.
Those runes I found. Every time I found one, my head flooded with stuff I wasn’t supposed to know. Stuff no one should know. That’s how I learned what Quake was: Shub-Ngurath. A pile of letters for a pile of tentacles. But those Slipgates led me to all four runes. Did someone or something want me to find them? Without them I never would’ve gotten to that squirming heap. Never would’ve found the Orb I used to kill her. The game-winning pass. I thought for sure I’d get to go home after that. No such luck.
I’ve had this damn Orb ever since. Not that different from a football, except I get to play QB and receiver at the same time. And nothing beats catching your own pass and killing some bad guy in the process. Sometimes I call out plays in my head during fights. Helps me keep the memories I have left. Miskatonic. The Fightin’ Badgers. I was pretty good back in the day. Not good enough to go pro, but enough to be the hometown hero a couple of times. Annie tells me I was clueless. She’s probably right. She usually is.
Need to stay sane, or whatever passes for sane here. Gotta be careful remembering Annie. Don’t want to turn her into some story I tell myself. So I try to remember the bad parts, too. How mad she was when I enlisted, how low she got after K was born. But damn I miss her. Everybody should have someone who looks at them the way she looks at me. We’ve always made it through the rough times. I hope we’ll make it through this, too. I hope she can forgive me for being gone so long.
One of the worst things about losing my mind in here: I can’t remember my kids’ names. I call them J and K now. Our firstborn was a girl. Tough as nails. When she busted her arm on the jungle gym, she tried to comfort her mom on the way to the ER. I cried at her graduation. Annie had fun with that. A couple years later J arrived. He had me figured out in no time. So smart, that kid. I haven’t gotten a chance to tell him how proud I am of him. But I will, goddamnit.
I used to try to keep track of time here, but it’s no use. The sky makes no sense. Some places seem to have day and night but most don’t. Feels like years, but I don’t feel any older. When I manage to sleep, I can’t tell whether it’s for minutes, hours, or days. Maybe no time has passed at all back home. I’ll get out of here and crawl back into bed with my wife. She’ll let me sleep in. I’ll talk her into making me pancakes and bacon in the morning. That’s the way it’s gonna go.

Artifact #
A crumpled, thirty-year-old family photograph is Ranger’s most prized possession and his only tangible link to life before Operation Counterstrike. A faded ballpoint scribble on the back reads, “Haverhill – Beach St – 1978.” Ranger keeps the photo between layers of his armored boot to ensure that no harm comes to it.
Comic #
Check out the comic book for more details into the backstory of Ranger, available on Amazon and Comixology.

Voice Over Lines #
- Hrrraaaaaah
- I know a good slipgate to shove you in.
Ranger reporting!
- Let’s go you sons of bitches.
- Your friends are going to have a hard time peeling you off the wall.
- Operation is running smooth as silk.
- Operation is running smooth.
- Everything is good to go.
- Proud to serve.
- When you’re twenty feet tal and throwing lightning, then you can face me.
- Stay down, you’ve disgraced yourself enough.
- You’ve disgraced yourself enough, stay down this time.
- Manikin’ momma proud.
- No, no, no you shoot with it!
- I love the smell of gunpowder.
- Hoorah!
- Come get some.
- If it bleeds I can kill it.
- Are you even trying?
- Are you even tryyying?
I eat meat like you for breakfast.
- You better be ready to put up or shut up.
- You come looking for a fight?
- You came to the wrong fight.
- Where have the portals taken me now?
- Lord, give me strength.
- I see them, all around us.
- Tentacles and teeth, within and beneath.
- Been tryin’ to get out twenty years, not giving’ up now.
- Spent twenty years trying to get out, not giving up now.
- I ain’t got time to bleed.
- Surviving, one day at a time.
- All these places are starting to bleed together.
- Put your back into it, coach always said.
- Put your back into it, Sarge always said.
- Let’s show ‘em what we’re made of!
- Weapons hot!
- I’ve got your six.
- You set ‘em up, I’ll knock ‘em down.
- “Put your back into it,” Sarge always said.
You can’t keep me from getting home.
- You bastards! Why are you torturing me like this?
- This operation is falling apart.
- Kickin’ a man when he is down? That’s pretty low.
- I need to find a slipgate out of this place.
- When you’ve been here this long, nothing and everything makes sense.
- Too painful to be a dream, too real to be a nightmare.
- Slipgates are closed. Gotta find another way home.
- Maybe my kingdom’s finally come.
- Sometimes the world doesn’t need another hero. It needs a monster.
- Surrender is not an option.
- Too much going on in my head. Can’t focus.
- Damn stupid portals, taking me to damn stupid places with damn stupid monsters.
- I need a gun!
I’m gonna go full scorched earth on you.
- Someone needs a little discipline.
- Catch!
- Burn!
- In the air!
- Coming at ya!
- Requesting backup!
- They have me pinned down.
- Where are you guys?
- Need assistance!
- Medic!
- Ow, make it stop.
- I’m bleeding out!
- Son of a….
- Holy hell!
- Thank you sir! May I have another?
Game Info #

Customization Items #
Slipgate #
Some clipboard-packing bookworm dumped this armor on Ranger before shoving him through a Slipgate. It bears the scars of time and countless battles.
A compact, multiple-output helmet light.
This tactical visor has anti-scratch coating.
Designed to protect your shoulders and forearms.
Useful accessory built from durable, weatherproof nylon.
Infantry #
Shooting-hand guard.
Increased shoulder protection.
Adjustable tactical vest with four triple-mag pouches.
Heavy Assault #
Designed for high-intensity fire.
Sometimes you have to go bigger.
Heavy covering to protect the arm.
Raider #
Ranger pulled these out of the bastard that had been stalking him.
Has a number of functions that aid in sifting through scrap.
The Geiger counter measures radiation. Murray will start sparking when electric storms are building. Given his current state, that would have been a useful skill while alive.
Gladiator #
Grizzled and scarred, the Gladiator faces battle unflinchingly with a heart of steel and a steady hand. Exclusive to players who purchase the Champions Pack.
Wide-eyed and crazed, Ranger has too often felt the powerful effects of Quad Damage.
This adornment helps you jump head first into combat, because bashing skulls doesn’t mean you don’t need to use your head.
Forged in the House of Cthon.
Nine inches of cold steel to crucify the vile.
Ready and waiting, but full of nightmares he’d rather not revisit.
Pro League #
Quarterback #
Vanities #
Struggling for his sanity resulted in Ranger hunting the deadly shambler. Even the monsters fear him now.
Forged in the House of Chthon from remnants of knights, Ranger proudly returned wearing their fallen as a crown, the new king of Gloom Keep.
No lock can contain the writhing horrors within. This skin will unlock for players who have The Evil Within 2 in their Steam library.
Painfully extracted from a dying shambler. It keeps lesser monsters at bay, as its stench is indistinguishable from an adult’s.
On occasion he can still recall running around the mess hall until first light, wearing their colors like a damned cape.
These phantom limbs haunt Ranger’s every move, flailing his mind and waiting for him to drop his guard.
The figure of this fellow-traveler in relief against the sky, gigantic in height, and muffled… he was headless!
Some say the fallen crown of the Lurching King possessed untold power, even greater than the Rune of Black Magic, hence why Volkerh pursued it. Luckily, for our sake, it was never found…
Fetid air escapes as he breaks the seal around the Enforcer’s neck, donning the crown upon his own head. Like a finely carved living Matryoshka doll, Ranger thinks to himself, “Now my helmet will be protected from this world of hurt”.
Even in its dilapidated state sitting atop Ranger’s head, this ghastly fiend almost seems to be staring you down. But have no fear, those gelatinous vestigial oculars serve no purpose in death just as they served no purpose in life. This dark-zone dwelling beast had no use for sight. Rather, it hunted its prey through hearing and smell, something it now unpleasantly denies Ranger of.
Now bestowed by grace with Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thunderbolts, and the Horn of Conjuring, you may just be the strongest, most dangerous person on the trans-dimensional continent. You fight for justice to vanquish evil from the land. Watch out Amargon, here the fun begins.
Needing a small bite to eat, Ranger was hoping for some Rottfish, but the Well of Wishes — she giveth and she taketh, and today she giveth indeed.
Quake Pro League 2023
You can’t deny love is in the air and Anteros is here to see to it that you don’t.