Good Morning Quakers! Season-18 our Spring update 🐰 has just released, and it is filled to the brim with all sorts of goodies for us to collect, and find throughout this new BattlePass (BP) season. The Loveless Lighting Gun & Hell Raiser RL | Tormenter RG shaders are being added to the store, a new Skull & Bones themed Podium is being added, Several maps are having troubled Collison spots cleaned up, and so much. You can read the Patch Notes in full below. ENJOY!
If you are not already familiar with Quake Champions. We typically receive 4-ish Seasons a year that also comes with a BattlePass. Meaning we typically have 4: 10 to 12 week long BattlePasses a year. Week 1 is primarily made up of completing basic challenges such as completing matches, playing specific game modes, or using your champion’s abilities a certain number of times. Note the right side of the BP does not open up until you buy the BP for 1000 Platinum (premium in-game currency).

⭐ New – Added LOVELESS Lightning Gun Level 1 BP reward, or 1000 Platinum

⭐ New – Added SKULL & BONE Podium

⭐ Added HELL-RAISER Rocket Launcher Shaders to the in-game shop 500 Platinum

⭐ Added TORMENTOR Rail Gun Shaders to the in-game shop 500 Platinum

⭐Added LOVESLESS Lighting Gun Shaders to the in-game shop 500 Platinum
Map Updates:
🔹 Awoken – Jumppad fix near Heavy Armor
🔹 Crucible – Major performance improvements
🔹 Crucible – Fixed the lava fx coming through the floor below Mega Health
🔹 Crucible – Fixed some collision issues along the lava pit exit ramp
🔹 Crucible – Cleanup of rock mesh around the outside of the map
🔹 Crucible – Removed two breakables near Shotgun
🔹 Ruins of Sarnath – Fixed collision issue near Light Armor Jumppad in T
🔹 Ruins of Sarnath – Fixed collision issue near Lightning Gun Jumppad
🔹 Ruins of Sarnath – Fixed collision issue at Heavy Armor jumppad
🔹 The Molten Falls – Fixed collision issue at Lightning Gun Jumppad
🔹 The Molten Falls – Fixed collision at Railgun Jumppad
🔹 Vale of Pnath – Fixed collision at Light Armor Jumppad near Mega Health
🔹 Vale of Pnath – Fixed collision issue at the Railgun Jumppad
Game Updates:
🔹 Added Direct I/O – Improves file I/O speeds for Windows 11 users with NVMe SSD drives
⭐ Added Ally Arrow & Enemy Arrow options
🔹 Fixed the self-podium highlighting behavior in the Lobby, when attempting to move another player to your podium position
🔹 Adjusted LOVE SHAFT Lighting Gun sounds – made the hum slightly quieter and the shot slightly louder
🔹 Fixed a crash in the Game Pass build after dismissing a system level error message when the ‘You can join multiplayer games’ privilege is set to ‘Block’
🔹 Removed the Nvidia Reflex code, while working on fixes for AMD cards
🔹 Profile Page UI – Viewing other player’s profile pages will now properly show what Podium they have enabled
🔹 Default damage summation ALL RECENT Damage
🔹 Default teammate health and armor indicators to ON and visibility to X-RAY
🔹 Default enemy outline ON
🔹 Updated backend settings storage to properly track settings between computers
🔹 Leaderboards – Removed “Best Champion” icon
🔹 FX optimizations
🔹 Fixed the dynamic shadow casting of the LOVE SHAFT first person model
🔹 Fixed GALANG projectiles appear to come from above and behind the barrel of the weapon
notes pending
🔹 Fixed audio config storage for Champion Quips, Soundtrack, Heavy Breathing, Hit Beep, Kill Beep, Low Health Warning, and Taking Damage Indicator which was preventing default values to be stored in the configs for new users
🔹 Removed lava footstep code that was causing CPU performance issues on Crucible
Service Updates:
🔹 Bug fixes & optimizations

Our Professional e-Sports League the Quake Pro League is made possible as a joint partnership between Professional Gamers’ League (PGL), Bethesda | ZeniMax, and id Software. Currently Season 4 of the Quake Pro League (QPL) is under way. with Week 6 happening this Saturday!
- Quake twitch account Watch the festivities Live here Saturdays at 10AM EAST.
- PGL website for Quake e-Sports Stats for players, rules for challenges, and Scheduling
- Official QUAKE twitter ALL THINGS QUAKE
- 2023 Challengers toornament pages (all 8) Do you have the skills to Frag with the best…
The Quake, and really the entire Arena Shooter communities have been extremely active Lately. Lots of community tournaments are open to all players in most regions, and some have weekly iterations as well. We had several LAN events in 2022 with 1 already confirmed for this year in June! Exciting times to be a Quaker no doubt. make sure to follow our socials for more tournaments outside of the Quake Pro League.

Don’t forget to Q for TDM, CTF, Sacrifice, DM, Instagib, and Unholy Trinity this week, as everyone benefits from playing those game modes!
A new set of challenges opens up every Wednesday at 8:00 PM EAST | 2:00 AM CEST. The challenges are broken up in 2 parts. First their week, and then their side left side | right side. The left side consists of the free challenges you can obtain without buying the Battlepass. The right side is accessible after buying the Battlepass. The right side tends to be slightly harder, but gives additional XP as well as shards. Bot Games work as well for these challenges. 83 DAYS REMAIN FOR SEASON 18

You can buy the BattlePass for 1000 platinum. Platinum is the Premium in-game currency in Quake Champions. You can Purchase Platinum in game any time you would like. Quake Champions has also been released on the Microsoft Store. You can Purchase Platinum in the Microsoft Store out of game as well.

The Battlepass itself is separated in 2 rows. The top row is the free version. You can acquire all the items here just by playing the game to level up your Battlepass. The bottom row is unlocked only with the purchase of the Battlepass. This is retroactive. So, if you are at level 50 and decide at that point you want to buy the Battlepass. Everything below level 49 will be added to your account. Keep an eye out for levels 30 & 65 as these levels give you an automatically applied haste salve which gives you Triple XP for 7 whole days.
Once you have purchased the BP click the shield at the top of the screen, and hit the activate button that will be below the season 18 Name Plate.

Two haste salves are provided to you during the BattlePass at level 30 & 65. 93 Shards can be acquired this season, and 50 platinum during this season’s BattlePass. Lots of Easter themed goodies this season. Note if you already own an item it instantly converts it to shards. Level 101 onwards changed starting in season 14. There is technically a 2nd half to the Battlepass levels maxing out at level 200. Level 101 to 200 has rewards as well. Every 5 levels starting at 105 you will receive 1 shard. While every 10 levels starting at level 110 you will receive 1 shard, and 1 Reliquary. The only exceptions being 190 where you receive 3 shards, and 200 which you will receive 5 shards. I have not verified if this is still the setup for Season 18…Gotta push those levels up first.

Quake Champions is now part of the extended Microsoft | Xbox family, and Xbox has given Quake Champions lots of love, and attention since Quake joined. Quake Champions is now on the Microsoft Store, and was also added to the PC version of Xbox Game Pass. The Ultimate Edition of the PC Xbox Game Pass Subscription service will give you the Champions pack for free upon login.
Official Quake discord here:
all bugs need to be posted in the “#bug-reports” channel under the “QC FEEDBACK” header in the official discord. Video clips, or screenshots of your issue are very useful for the developers.