Original Post: PTS Spring 2021 Testing | Community Forums for Bethesda.net Spring Update – March 9, 2021 Quake-0.1.DEV.51552/55481...
You can get 250 platinum from winning 10 matches and the golden weapon shaders for the default...
For this patch a new map Exile is available and also a CTF version of The Longest...
Currently in PTS there is a new version of The longest yard ctf. Here are some pictures...
This weekend is a great time to earn some XP and make some progress on your Season...
Some exciting changes coming to Quake Champions, and I don’t just mean the new map. If you...
The news is still hot (although the new map is ice cold) and coming from the official...
The Quake Champions Fall Update got released this month! The update includes a brand new Cthalha-themed map,...
If you have been paying attention you know this update is going to be amazing. Packed with...
With the anticipation for the Quake Champions update, the community is excited to see the new map...