A new day, and a new week of challenges for us to accomplish. If you are not already familiar Quake Champions has 4 Seasons a year that also correspond with the Battlepass. Meaning we have 4 12 week long Battlepasses a year. We are currently at week 9. 35DAYS REAMIN for Season 11. This week will be fun because if you don’t already use the TRI-BOLT in your arsenal you are really missing out on one of Quake Champions best new editions to the Quake series.
If you find the Tri-Bolt hard to use at first you are not alone, but nothing to worry about ill attach an excellent guide by the youtuber evmadic below. Try to remember you can use the TRI-BOLT to punish people for chasing you, actually respond to high ground advantage, and force the enemy to choose the Pick Up, or their own life. The Tri-bolt may seem difficult at first, but once mastered it will quickly become one of your favorite guns.
A new set of challenges opens up every Wednesday at 10:00PM EAST | 4:00AM CEST. The challenges are broken up in 2 parts. First their week, and then their side left side | right side. The left side consists of the free challenges you can obtain without buying the Battlepass. The right side is accessible after buying the Battlepass. The right side tends to be slightly harder, but gives additional XP as well as shards. Shards can be converted 200 shards = 100 Platinum. You can convert these from the in-game store’s bundle tab at the bottom.

While we are talking about the in-game store this is where you can Buy the Battlepass for 1000 platinum. Platinum is the Premium currency in Quake Champions. If you are using steam I recommended buying from Bethesda directly at this link: bethesda.net/en/store/product/QUWV01PCBG01BASE
Valve takes 30% of all purchases from steam. The money you buy with platinum goes back to the Quake development project. Just make sure you are logged into your associated Bethesda account, and it should be in their by the time you log into the game. If you are using the Bethesda launcher then just purchase it in game as you normally would.

Lastly we have the Battlepass itself which is separated in 2 rows. The top row is the free version. You can acquire all the items here just by playing the game to level up your Battlepass. The bottom row is unlocked only with the purchase of the Battlepass. This is retroactive by the way. So, if you are at level 50 and decide at that point you want to buy the Battlepass. Everything below level 49 will be added to your account. Keep an eye out for level 39 as that level gives you an automatically applied haste salve which gives you Double XP for 7 whole days. Don’t forget to convert your shards if you are short a few platinum.

There are actually rewards after BattlePass Level 100. From 101 onward rewards repeat as 1 shard per level with a Reliquary Being rewarded every 10th Level until Level 200.
I hope this post cleared up any confusion about how Quake Champion’s Battlepass | Challenges system works.
BETHESDA DOWNLOAD PAGE: quake.bethesda.net/en/playnow
STEAM STORE PAGE: store.steampowered.com/app/611500/Quake_Champions/
BETHESDA STORE FOR PLATINUM: bethesda.net/en/store/product/QUWV01PCBG01BASE
BETHESDA PAGE: bethesda.net/en/store/product/QU1CSTPCBG01
STEAM PAGE: store.steampowered.com/app/2310/QUAKE/
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