Good Afternoon Quakers. Our newest PTS update is live with a lot of interesting changes that will affect all players to some degree. Things to note: Awoken is now an Ice Swamp, Blood Run has a new layout variant in customs called BloodWorks (try it out), Major Champion & Weapon reworks, and Armor Shard rework.

New Content:
- Winter Podium
- Awoken Winter (wip) In Customs
- Bloodworks (BR Remix, wip) In Customs
- Updated hitboxes
- Cooldowns increased from 45 to 60 sec
- Max speed reduced from 640 to 625 ups
- Grapple count from 2 to 3
- Rope break at 75 dmg
- Splash damage reduction passive will no longer apply towards Telefrags
- Forward Accel max speed reduced from 500 to 400 ups
- Stomper damage capped at 25 dmg over 395 ups
- Bull Rush max speed reduced from 800 to 700 ups
- Bull Rush damage simplified to 75 dmg
- Increased Post Bull Rush shoot delay from 0.2 to 0.5 sec
- Max speed reduced from 750 to 700 ups
- Reduced max speed from 625 to 600 ups
- Added wall-climbing passive
- Humiliations are now worth 2 frags (+1 to attacker, -1 to target)
- Spread reduced from 0.03 to 0.02
- Damage reduced from 8 to 7
- Rate of fire reduce from 100 to 120 ms delay
- Spread reduced from 0.03 to 0.01
- Rate of fire reduce from 100 to 120 ms delay
- Zoomed spread reduced from 0.009 to 0
- Zoomed rate of fire reduce from 150 to 160 ms delay
- Use a point ray trace instead of cylinder radius
Game Modes:
- No longer spawn or drop items in Unholy Trinity, spawn all players 200/200
- Sacrifice & Sac Tourney – Reduced soul extraction time from 3 to 2.5 sec
- Crucible – Fixed ledge collision exploit behind Heavy Armor
- Insomnia – Fixed brickslide wall collision near SNG
- Insomnia – Duel layout for all modes
- Insomnia – Fixed power-up fx
Game Updates:
- Fixed Scorpion SNG spectator crash.
- Increased the value of Armor Shards from 5 to 10 hp
- Reduced dropped shard count from 3 to 2
- Drop armor shards in a tighter circle
- Increased telefrag radius from 0.5 to 0.8 m (same as Dire Orb & Ghostwalk)
- Reduced texture load for High and Ultra
- No longer selling reliquaries in the store (still available as login rewards)
- Fixed Warehouse loading screen

The PTS is a Public Test Server that many games come with. It is completely optional to be part of the PTS, and does require an additional download to take part of. The purpose of the PTS for us as Quake players is it allows us to preview upcoming skins, arenas, and gameplay changes in general before they are added to the Live Game servers. It also doubles as bug testing. In fact all bugs, or issues in the PTS should be put in the official discord in the “public-test-server” channel. If you can you should try and find a buddy to test with. Two heads are better than one. You can find people to party with in the “party-finder” channel.
If you want to access, or rather download the PTS you can do this on the Steam client quite easily. In the Quake Champions Steam store right about the play game is the text box about the the Pubic Test Server. Just to note though like other PTS downloads you are usually downloading the entire game plus the new additions, or changes. The PTS download for Quake Champions is currently just over 30 Gigabytes. Keep that in mind if you want to participate. Things that you accomplish in the PTS version DO NOT transfer over to the main game. That said you can also demo stuff in the PTS that you may not own yet in the main game.
Lastly, the PTS is not a representation of what will hit the Live servers at any time. As the values can be changed | reverted, or removed at any point during the PTS update period.
*When first launching the PTS your game may “compile” for a few minutes. Do not worry as this is completely normal.

In Steam just type “quake” in any way in your library search tab, and “Quake Champions PTS” will appear in the games folder below the search bar.