There is a new league in town and while they aren’t exactly Challengers material, yet, they are...
Year: 2020
Marco Ragusa, @myztrovengeur, has started a new series of videos titled “From the Beginning.” This series explains...
The QPL returns to the scene with the announcement of their 2020-2021 Quake Pro League. Season 2...
The Quake Amateur League is hitting off another event, this time a 3v3 instagib tournament. Participants must...
The German Quake Community Duel season is announced and ready for signups. The duel season is limited...
Is it Friday yet? Let’s get our frags on with the traditional Fragfest duel competition starting at...
A $2000 prize cup is starting tomorrow August 28, 2020 at 18:30 Moscow time. This competition is...
Kuachi is holding a new OCE community cup with a mystery amount for the cash prize, said...
The QAL Presents: 2v2 Quake Champions Amateur Cup #1Join us on Discord – Saturday, August 29th @ 2pm...
Tonight at 8pm CEST is Quake Champions Fragfest again! If you’re in the mood for some Friday...