Good Afternoon Folks! Season 21 is still kicking with a sizeable mid-season content drop for us to enjoy. For you competitive players your rank has been reset, so time to climb back up the ladder. To help persuade you a new Ranked Event has been added for us to enjoy. Railgun ammo has been changed from starting 5 to 10 max. Now Railgun ammo is 10 start to 10 max. Scalebearer has received a slight buff since his changes from the last update. New Eros Railgun crossbow has been added & all 16 champions have wings. In-game store has had prices decreased across the board. Read the full set of notes below for all changes this update. 27 Days Remain for Season 21.

Quake Champions 2024 Mid-Winter Update: 1.21.RETAIL.143771/145455: 02/08/2024
New Content:
- BOW OF EROS – Valentine’s Day Crossbow Railgun
- WINGS OF ANTEROS – Valentine’s Day Cupid Wing vanities for all 16 champions
- Skill Rank Reset & Ranked Event Challenges
Map Updates:
- Midair: Fixed knockback
- Vale of Pnath: Disabled railgun ammo pickup
Champion Updates:
- Athena: Fixed ability HUD
- Eisen: Only regen up to 50 armor points
- Galena: Fixed inactive totems clearing debuffs
- Scalebearer: Bull Rush damage reduction improved from 50 to 60%
- Scalebearer: Forward acceleration max speed increased from 425 to 450 units per second
Weapon Updates:
- Shotguns: Fixed a server-side damage validation issue that resulted in blood impacts but no damage dealt
- Shotguns: Falloff distance reduced from 9.6 to 6.4meters (384 to 256 units)
- Railgun: Increased starting ammo from 5 to 10 (10 starting, 10 max)
Game Mode Updates:
- Unholy Trinity: Once again spawn Health and Armor pickups
- Unholy Trinity: Spawn players with starting Health Points instead of over max health and max Armor Points instead of over-max armor.
- Unholy Trinity: Added damage bonus scoring system (+1 point for every 100 damage dealt)
- Unholy Trinity: Scorelimit increased to 250
- Unholy Trinity: Re-enabled blood pools
- Sacrifice: Reduced the world collision radius of the soul (0.5meters to 0.0125merters)
- Sacrifice: Increased the player collision radius of the soul (0.5meters to 0.8meters)
- Clan Arena: Improved bot logic — they will not stop fighting
Economy Updates:
- Champion platinum price reduced from 400 to 250
- Weapon platinum price reduced from 1000 to 500; shard price reduced from 500 to 250
- Vanity item platinum price reduced from 500 to 250
- XP Booster platinum price reduced from 300 to 250; shard price increased from 200 to 250, but extended from 3 days to 7 days
- Rename service platinum price reduced from 1000 to 500
- Holiday items are now available year round
- Fixed missing shard offer for Scalebearer’s MILITARY ISSUE GUARD vanity
Sound Updates:
- Shortened length of explosion sounds from 5-6 seconds to 3 seconds in length
- Reduced the volume and duration of the rank down sound fx
Misc Fixes:
- Fixed SCORPION Super Nailgun spectator crash
- Fixed SCORPION Super Nailgun quad firing & idle animations
- Fixed nvidia outdated driver issue in Linux
- Updated Scalebearer passive descriptions
- Updated Eisen passive descriptions
- Updated Galena passive descriptions
- Updated Visor passive descriptions
- Disabled in-game lore drops (available in Champion progression)
- Fixed Clutch SUPREME INTELLIGENCE top hat & monocle vanity when attached to the Pro League head
Service Updates:
- Anti-cheat updates
- Updated encryption certification
Official Quake discord here: discord.gg/Quake
all bugs need to be posted in the “#bug-reports” channel under the “QC FEEDBACK” header in the official discord. Video clips, or screenshots, and detailed description of your issue are very useful for the developers.