Howdy Folks! Winter isn’t a time for rest-It’s a battleground frozen in carnage, so Lock, load, and...
Quake Champions PTS Update for October 29th 2024. New Competitive Modes: TDM & CTF Tourney Modes.

3 min read
Good Afternoon Quakers! Short but much requested update is happening today. Team Death Match & Capture the...
Howdy Folks! Autumn is here! The leaves will start to change soon, the temperature will start to...
Good Afternoon Quakers! We have received a couple updates over the past few week to the PTS...
Howdy Folks! Summer of Fun is shinning on our newest update Season 23! New Player Heading HUD...
Good Afternoon Quakers! Syncerror has made a statement in the official Quake discord. In this message Syncerror...
Howdy Folks! The thaw is over, and spring has emerged with Season 22 for us to enjoy!...
Good Afternoon Quakers! A few house keeping details to start off with. Season 22 looks to be...
Good Afternoon Folks! Season 21 is still kicking with a sizeable mid-season content drop for us to...
Good Morning Quakers. Our newest PTS update is live with plenty of changes for us to test...