Happy Holidays Folks! The end of the year is just around the corner & we have a brand new Quake Champions Season to send us off on. Season 21 our Winter update is full of lots of game changes & bug fixes. Hitboxes have been more aligned with Champion bodies, Ability cooldowns for all champions have been increased to 60 seconds, Most weapons have had their values changed biggest is LG is now uses point ray trace tracking now, and so much more. Check out the notes below & don’t forget to check out the Weapons tab of the in-game store to see the Weapons sale.

- Winter Podium

- FROSTGORE Rocket Launcher

- Awoken Winter
- Added Ally Names & Enemy Names controls in HUD Settings

All Champions
- Updated hitboxes
- Cooldowns increased from 45 to 60 sec
- Max speed reduced from 640 to 625 ups
- Grapple count from 2 to 3
- Swing damage from 25 to 20
- Rope break at 75 dmg
- Removed Stockpile passive
- Increased delay between grapple usages from 0.8 to 1 sec
- Size scale reduced from 1.2 to 1.15x
- Reduced gear shift delay from 2nd to 3rd forward accel stage from 1.25 to 1.0 sec
Death Knight
- Reduced ability duration from 7 to 5 sec
- Reduced fireball speed from 800 to 666 ups
- Added Armor Regen passive
- Fixed sinking turrets, so we no longer de-spawn turret after 1 minute
- Totem detonates when target is within 3m but damages up to a 4m range
- Slower health decay rate
- Splash damage reduction passive will no longer apply towards Telefrags
- Reduced grenade knockback from 100 to 50, to match 1:1 with their 50 dmg (self knockback unchanged)
- Dire Orb touch damage reduced from 25 to 15 dmg
- Forward Accel max speed reduced from 500 to 425 ups
- Forward Accel now uses ground friction
- Stomper damage capped at 25 dmg over 395 ups
- Bull Rush max speed reduced from 800 to 700 ups
- Bull Rush damage simplified to 75 dmg
- Bull Rush damage reduction reduced from 67 to 50%
- Bull Rush shoot delay increased from 0.2 to 0.4 sec
- Max speed reduced from 750 to 700 ups
- Reduced max speed from 625 to 600 ups
- Added a 10% speed boost during ability usage
Starting Machinegun
- Spread reduced from 0.03 to 0.02
- Damage reduced from 8 to 6
- Air Knockback lowered from 8 to 7 (to match the ground knockback)
Heavy Machinegun
- Spread reduced from 0.03 to 0.01
- Zoomed spread reduced from 0.009 to 0
- Unzoomed damage reduced from 10 to 9
- Air Knockback lowered from 8 to 7 (to match the ground knockback)
Starting Shotgun
- Reduced air knockback from 3.75 to 2.5 per pellet (to match the ground knockback)
Super Shotgun
- Reduced air knockback from 3.75 to 2.5 per pellet (to match the ground knockback)
Lightning Gun
- Use a point ray trace instead of cylinder radius
- RG starting ammo reduced from 10 to 5
- RG max ammo reduced from 25 to 10
- RG low ammo warning reduced from 5 to 2
- Railgun – Air knockback reduced from 80 to 60 (to match the ground knockback)
- Increased the value of Armor Shards from 5 to 10 hp
- Reduced dropped shard count from 3 to 2
- Drop armor shards in a tighter circle
- Unholy Trinity – Spawn players max hp & max ap
- Unholy Trinity – No longer spawn or drop items
- Unholy Trinity – Blood pools are no longer active
- Sacrifice & Sac Tourney – Reduced soul extraction time from 3 to 2.5 sec
Blood Covenant
- Blood Covenant – Added railgun ammo to lower pillar cooldown ledge (new ammo in Duel and moved TDM ammo to this location)
Corrupted Keep
- Fixed exploit outside HMG bones
- Fixed ledge collision exploit behind HA
- Duel layout for all modes
- Moved HA room cooldowns to near the MH LA ledge
- Moved HA room upper jumppad health to the HA room ledge
- Fixed brickslide wall collision near SNG
- Fixed power-up fx
- Fixed exploitative collision above HP stairs between LG & SNG
Ruins of Sarnath
- Fixed exploitative collision above HA jumppad
The Molten Falls
- Fixed exploitative collision above LG stairs
- Moved the cooldowns from SNG to mid level door in the main courtyard
- Removed one cooldown from the banana bones
Vale of Pnath
- Fixed exploitative collision above RG
- Added RG ammo near the TP window
- Added RL ammo to the LG cave
- Added LG ammo to the HA mid level
- Removed SG ammo from center tower
- Removed HMG ammo from TP window
Vestibule of Exile
- Updated some troublesome collision
- Fixed pain sound percentage issue in modes where max health is set to above 100
- Reduced pain sounds to two pain events, one below 50 hp and one below 25 hp.
- We now use the previous 100 & 75 pain sounds to generate the 50 hp sound event, to give more separation clarity between the <50 and <25 pain sounds.
- Increased the volume of the third person pain sounds, bringing them to the same db levels, and added a new low pain sound for DK that isn’t just him saying “Ow.”
- Updated nvidia outdated driver check to support shorter Linux version numbers
- Removed the delays in elements of the Love Shaft shot sounds
- Bots disabled in all Quick Play modes (this test is backend updates only & not build dependent)
- Fixed Scorpion SNG spectator crash
- Increased telefrag radius from 0.5 to 0.8 m (same as Dire Orb & Ghostwalk)
- Fixed on-screen acid in picmip
- Fixed TORMENTOR barrel fx during Ghostwalk
- Simplified Leaderboard data, to remove inaccurate or incomplete stat data
- Disabled Arena Kings leaderboard
- Defaulting to Direct Mouse Input
- Disabled Razer Chroma by default
- Reduced texture load for High and Ultra
- No longer selling reliquaries in the store (still available as login rewards)
- Fixed Warehouse loading screen
- Anti-cheat updates
- Fixed Linux/Proton direct input support

Don’t forget to Q for Team Death Match, Capture The Flag, Sacrifice, Death Match, Instagib, and Unholy Trinity this week, as everyone benefits from playing those game modes!
A new set of challenges opens up every Wednesday at 8:00 PM EAST | 2:00 AM CEST. The challenges are broken up in 2 parts. First their week, and then their side left side | right side. The left side consists of the free challenges you can obtain without buying the Battlepass. The right side is accessible after buying the Battlepass. The right side tends to be slightly harder, but gives additional XP as well as shards. Bot Games work as well for these challenges. 90 DAYS REMAIN FOR SEASON 21

You can buy the BattlePass for 1000 platinum. Platinum is the Premium in-game currency in Quake Champions. You can Purchase Platinum in game any time you would like. Quake Champions has also been released on the Microsoft Store. You can Purchase Platinum in the Microsoft Store out of game as well.

The Battlepass itself is separated in 2 rows. The top row is the free version. You can acquire all the items here just by playing the game to level up your Battlepass. The bottom row is unlocked only with the purchase of the Battlepass. This is retroactive. So, if you are at level 50 and decide at that point you want to buy the Battlepass. Everything below level 49 will be added to your account.
Once you have purchased the BP click the shield at the top of the screen, and hit the activate button that will be below the season 21 Name Plate.

Lots of Winter themed goodies this season for you to get during the BattlePass. Note if you already own an item it instantly converts it to shards. Level 101 onwards changed starting in season 14. There is technically a 2nd half to the Battlepass levels maxing out at level 200. Level 101 to 200 has rewards as well. Every 5 levels starting at 105 you will receive 1 shard. While every 10 levels starting at level 110 you will receive 1 shard, and 1 Reliquary. The only exceptions being 190 where you receive 3 shards, and 200 which you will receive 5 shards. I have not verified if this is still the setup for Season 21…Gotta push those levels up first.
Quake Champions is now part of the extended Microsoft | Xbox family, and Xbox has given Quake Champions lots of love, and attention since Quake joined. Quake Champions is now on the Microsoft Store, and was also added to the PC version of Xbox Game Pass. The Ultimate Edition of the PC Xbox Game Pass Subscription service will give you the Champions pack for free upon login.
Official Quake discord here: discord.gg/Quake
all bugs need to be posted in the “#bug-reports” channel under the “QC FEEDBACK” header in the official discord. Video clips, or screenshots of your issue are very useful for the developers.