If you are thinking of purchasing something from our Merch store for a Holiday gift, keep in mind that shipping deadlines are fast approaching to get your items in time.
- US Standard Shipping deadline is December 13th for most items
- US Express shipping is December 14th
- US Overnight December 16th
- Europe and International shipping deadlines for standard have passed, but there is still time for express shipping, get those orders in by December 12th and choose express shipping.
With the colder weather moving in for us here in the states, I have picked a few of these up for my Quake loving family and friends, subtle but cuddly and warm. Which Elder god will you represent?
Let your loved ones know they may not be 1st place to you, but they are a solid 3rd place:

Available in:
All profits from the sales of our merchandise goes straight back into contests and programming. Thank you for your support and make your holidays more Quake.