Hello, and good evening Quakers! Season 13 is wrapping up, and is currently scheduled to end next Tuesday. To be clear we could always get an extension, but no indication has been given a this point in time. If anything pops on the discord we will make sure to make an update post though. In any case the PTS already has a bunch of new stuff for you to try out early. I’ll leave the current stack of PTS updates expected to drop with Season 14 below. 2 New starting weapons are being added from Quake 2. The StepChild MachineGun, and Butterman ShotGun. In addition multiple Guns (like over a dozen) are getting Shader bundles in the store. So many other goodies are being added along with Season 14 check out the current list below. RIP to Scale 🙁
Haste Potions are still 50% off (150 Platinum) in the in game store. Haste Potions Triple all XP Earned for 7 Days. If you usually struggle to make it to level 100 each season picking one, or two up now may not be a bad idea. Note an automatic Haste Potion is rewarded to the player at level 30 of the BP. Haste Potion do Stack meaning you can have multiple weeks of XP boosts stacked at a time. Haste Potions are also not exclusive to one BattlePass. Meaning if a new season (14) started any reaming days would carry over for that new season.

The Czech Quake Community has made us a BattlePass Challenges Tracker over on their website: www.quake.pub Also check out their Tournament Calendar on the Right of their page, Live twitter feed on left, and newly added interviews in the center. The Quake Pub also shows Streamers for our community, and a Tournament Calendar that is kept current.
The Tracker works for mobile devices, and can be filtered with these 4 categories, or a combination; Live | Awaiting Challenges, Free BP | Paid BP, Game-Modes, or finally Weapon used. In order to track your own challenges you will need to make an account with the website at the top right corner of their website. Once your account is verified you just have to click on the challenges you have completed.
This is a wonderful tool as we progress further through the weeks it will become harder to keep track of each individual challenge. If you have 2 monitors you may just be able to pop your browser up their to see your challenges, or being mobile friendly you may just be able to view it on your phone. In any case I’ll leave links to the Czech Quake Community’s socials below. Be sure to thank them for all their hard work.
Czech Quake Socials:
- YouTube: youtube.com/user/CzechQuake
- twitter: twitter.com/CzechQuake Website Updates Here, Community News, and BP Tracker Updates
- discord: discord.com/invite/xaZN2YX

There are actually rewards after BattlePass Level 100. From 101 onward rewards repeat as 1 shard per level with a Reliquary Being rewarded every 10th Level until Level 200.

Game Updates:
🔹 Added Athena Helios Crown
🔹 Added Stepchild Q2 Machinegun and Bitterman Q2 Shotgun to Weapon Shop
🔹 Added weapon shader bundles to shop for: Boomer, Oscillator, Double-Barreled, Trailblazer, Reaper, Last-Ritual, Stepchild, Bitterman, Old Painless, Executioner, Incinerator, Cess Rifle, Redeemer, Gravedigger, Flintlock, Purgator, Reconciler, Tesla
🔹 Citadel – Fixed bot navigation error near the entrance of the base
🔹 Insomnia – Fixed TDM initial spawn that was available to both teams
🔹 Insomnia – Raised up the MH so the respawn timer icon wouldn’t clip into the ground
🔹 Added a red laser to Keel’s LASER TRIANGULATOR vanity
🔹 Updated the Battle Pass & Weekly Challenges for Season 14
🔹 Reduced the price of Purchasing Levels on the BP from 200 to 100 :Platinum:
Service Updates:
🔹 Anti-cheat updates & compat fixes.
Game Updates:
🔹 Added some new flower crown vanities for Nyx, Slash, Sorlag
🔹 Added fedora vanities for BJ, Eisen, Keel
🔹 Added bunny ears for Visor
🔹 Fixed Q2 MG power-up shaders
🔹 Scalebearer: Changed passive ground acceleration from 100 to 87.
🔹 Fixed HRTF Sound Mixing
Service Updates:
🔹 Anti-cheat updates & compat fixes.
Game Updates:
🔹 Alphabetized the Datacenter list (which will group servers by region)
🔹 Reverted a lot of the Dec & Feb sound changes in an attempt to resolve some issues with dropped sounds and to try to get the sound back into a state that more seemed to prefer. Removed the elevation volume/pitch changes. Removed third-person weapon switch sounds. Reduced range & priority of third-person respawn sounds.
🔹 Clutch: Dodge cooldown reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 sec.
🔹 Scalebearer: Meh. Increased passive ground acceleration. Reduced interruption speed from 200 to 150. The acceleration value isn’t an attempt at a final value, was just the current value I had in testing when I had to press the button to make the build. It’s a buff over the last PTS build, which I don’t really like but everyone else felt the previous build was too nerfed, so maybe people will like this more.
Service Updates:
🔹 Anti-cheat updates & compat fixes. Error code dialogue should now be fixed & functional.
Game Updates:
🔹Scalebearer: Some accelerations tweaks based on PTS tester feedback
🔹 Fixed the default hitbeep value in the config (it was mismatched with the correct default in code)
Service Updates:
🔹 Anti-cheat Updates (including a Proton compatibility fix)
🔹 Sound – Reverted max sounds value (most likely culprit for the sound issues in the LIVE build)
🔹 Sound – Fixed a mixer volume level issue for footsteps/landings
🔹 Clutch: Dodge Cooldown added (death to mouse wheel abuse)
🔹 Scalebearer: Movement reworked (death to wiggle-turn abuse, alas no more full-speed 360s)
🔹 Optimized Hitboxes (maybe a small performance improvement)
🔹 Exile – Fixed collision issues near the front of the ice wall opening
🔹 Some weapon shader masks updated.
🔹 Power-up shader fixes for Fedora & Icarus vanities
🔹 Store bundle for Scrag Hood + Bottled Embryo
🔹 UI – Added a [!] after the video settings options that require a restart
Backend Update:
🔹 Maintenance Updates
🔹 Anti-cheat Updates
Added Drone Wars Arcade Mode
Strogg only.
Ability returns on respawn.
Peeker’s hyperblaster does instagib damage.
Backend Update:
🔹Added Athena Vanity – Commandeered Icarus
🔹Added Strogg Vanity – Icarus GravPack
🔹New content under development re-added for further testing.
New Content:
🔹Added Athena Vanity – Commandeered Icarus
🔹Added Strogg Vanity – Icarus GravPack
Backend Update:
🔹New content under development re-added for further testing.

The PTS is a Public Test Server that many games come with. It is completely optional to be part of the PTS, and does require an additional download to take part of. The purpose of the PTS for us Quake players is it allows us to preview upcoming skins, arenas, and gameplay changes in general before they are added to the Live | Main Game servers. It also doubles as bug testing. In fact all bugs, or issues in the PTS should be put in the official discord in the “public-test-server” channel. If you can you should try and find a buddy to test with. Two heads are better than one. You can find people to party with in the “party-finder” channel.
If you want to access, or rather download the PTS you can do this on both Steam, and the Bethesda Launcher quite easily. Just to note though like other PTS downloads you are usually downloading the entire game plus some. The PTS download for Quake Champions is currently just over 30 Gigabytes. Keep that in mind if you want to partake. Things that you accomplish in the PTS version DO NOT transfer over to the main game. That said you can also demo stuff in the PTS that you may not own yet in the main game.
*When first launching the PTS your game may “compile” for a few minutes.

In steam all you have to do is type in any way of “QUAKE” in your games search bar, and it will pop up as “Quake Champions PTS“. It is consider its own “game” so to speak on steam. Just download it as you would any other game.

For the Bethesda Launcher the Quickest way to access it is as followed. Make sure you have the “GAMES” tab selected, and on “My Library” in the drop down menu.

From here just scroll down until you hit your “QUAKE” section, and download “Quake Champions PTS”.