Today the South American community is holding a Sacrifice 4v4 tournament for your viewing entertainment. Organized by...
Year: 2020
Europe competitive scene is poppin’ with activity so it must be Friday night! Join in the TLD...
Tomorrow is Friday and you know what that means. It’s time for another @EstotyGames Quake Champions tournament!...
While the Quake Pro League will showcase the current best players in the world, hungry challengers will...
On Sunday 16:00 CEST / 10:00 ET, the QPL Season 2 continues with 6 more matches for...
This Saturday the Quake Challengers will fight again!There are two spots to win in both regions. While...
TGIF! Join in some casual Friday fragging this week with the Fun Guns weekly Time limited Duel...
The news is still hot (although the new map is ice cold) and coming from the official...
A new patch to the Public Test Server was just released. With it comes a lot of...
The fifth @EstotyGames tournament will be taking place, as expected, on Friday, 16 October 2020 at 6pm...