Quakeros SA 2v2 league
Liga 2v2 Quakeros SA #1

Quakeros SA will open its 1st competitive league for Quake Champions involving 2v2 Team Deathmatch for players from South America.
27 teams, 4 divisions and a passion.
Join with your friend and participate in one of the best thriving communities of South American Quake players!
Registration opens 03/04/22 at 19:30 (gmt-3)
and the league will begin officially 05/04/22 at 19:30 (gmt-3)
Visit the discord link to sign up and find out more.
The league is made up of up to four divisions.
Teams will be promoted and relegated between divisions.
- Mode: 2vs2
- Settings: 15mins, 50 kills
All teams will play one match per week on their corresponding date, and there will be THREE consecutive MAPS.
Schedules will be assigned one day in advance through the discord channel: 📆-days-and-schedules.
League structure
- Minimum number of teams: 12
- Maximum number of teams: 27
Promotion and relegation of up to one team for each division.
- Points for winning a map: 1
- Points for losing a map: ZERO
- Points for absence: ZERO
The “Kills” committed on each map will be considered, but will only be examined if the final result on the maps played results in a tie for two or more teams.
- Only South America players can participate
- Respect fellow players in game
- Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in expulsion
Teams made up of two starters and up to one substitute (optional) will be accepted.
Requirements for registration:
- Name of the team
- Nickname of the players (clarify the name of the Captain.)
- (Optional) Representative illustration of your clan (Avatar/Logo/Shield).
If you are looking to build a team you can find a partner in 🔍-search-team – channel on the discord server
NOTE: The organization will classify each team in its corresponding division evaluating the statistics of the set of players (headlines and substitutes) that make up the team and will be published in 🔡-divisions – channel on the discord server.
All games must be played on the SA server
Picks and bans
- A pick/ban process will be used to decide maps and champions for all matches
- Picks and bans are made with the condition that players on the same team do not use the same champion simultaneously.
- Both captains must agree who will start with the first ban (suggestion: share screen in a voice channel and go to https://echaloasuerte.com/coin).
- Whoever goes first must write in the discord channel the name of the map to veto, then the rival will write the map he wants to veto, and so on until the seven maps are complete. The last three maps of the list written by both captains will be the ones that will play
Technical defeats and player absences
- Maximum waiting tolerance is 15 minutes from the assigned time and 10 minutes maximum between each map. If a team does not show up, the victory of the three maps will be awarded to the rival team.
- Up to one absence is allowed, but this foul will be sanctioned for the next league. The second absence will be punished with expulsion from the tournament and the inability of members of the defecting team to register in future leagues; consequently and at the same time, the remaining teams in the division will receive the victory of all three maps, and even the teams that played against the defecting team will automatically have the result changed as if they had won all three maps.
Doubts and queries:
ask in ❓-faq-queries-liga-2v2 – within the discord server.
- Blood covenant
- Ruins of sarnath
- Corrupted Keep
- Vale of Pnath
- Awoken
- Deep Embrace
- Insomnia
- Division “C”: N/A
- Division “B”: Battle Pass (for each team member)
- Division “A”: winning team, usd30
- Division “Double A”: winning team, usd60