Recently we got the chance to talk with K1rk, co-founder of AsterEsports along side w1ngz3r0. Over the past 6 months they have been making quite a…”Quake” as South Americas premiere Quake centric Esports League. AsterEsports has entered the Arena with 4 players looking for a spot at this years 2023 Quake World Championship: v0dkax, Yup, cirux, Nerobx. Not only is AsterEsports home to 4 currently up and coming Quake PROs, but they are also committed to hosting events in the Quake Champions community. In February they held their first tournament: Aster Summer Frag Fest. Currently AsterEsports is hosting a Duel League for South, and North American Quake Champion Players. Lastly in June Aster will be hosting a Winter Frag Fest.
*RobKorV & myself Old Hickory accepted AsterEsports team Jerseys before writing this article, and as such we are making this a sponsored article.

How did you first get into the Quake Franchise?
Well, that’s an old story, maybe in 1999… with quake 2 and quake 3 arena demo. I literally saw the game and I fell in love.
What did you do for the Quake community before Aster? Were you part of any Leagues, or Organizations in the South American scene before Aster?
With vodkax and other guys from the Quake Live Chile scene we made a lot of CTF tournaments, was nuts and my beginning as a caster. I was doing other tournaments before Aster. Like the ‘Friday Fast Duels’, ‘The World Cup’, ‘The Duels Monday’ with reload from Brazil. Then the ‘KeenCon’ team from Spain, with Koba, sombr4 and Maxter called me to do some casting with ’em.
How did AsterEsports form? And, what has Aster allowed you to do for the Quake community?
Well, was like a dream and a business opportunity. I was looking for a partner and wingzero appears with all the energy, was the best coincidence ever. I love you wing! And what the team allowed for me to do I think that it’s helped make our branding bigger. The aster branding, and the Latin America Quake scene. Now we can see that I’m not only the “kirkcaster” now, we are “the Aster esports team”
What has it been like watching the South American esports scene grow over the past decade?
Well I think it’s grown so much. I mean, in the first decade of the 2000s it was so little and almost iconic events in Latin America, actually, in Chile, just the WCG and the CPL were the bigger events for about 5 years, then they disappeared from the scene. Then from 2010 and to now, we got so many more games, so much more professional teams and I think the pandemic situation was the perfect time to group up with these events or games in general.
What do you do when you are not Quakeing?
Work, work, work and share my time with my daughter, I love you kirkinch4!
What champion do you main in Quake Champions? What is your favorite game mode in Quake Champions?
My main champ is Nyx, I don’t know why but I like her a lot and the Ghostwalk ability is the best movement ever, my second main is VISOR. And my favorite game mode it’s CTF, and then duel.
What PRO players inspire you the most?
I’m a fan of Maxter, Nosfa and Rapha. But I’m a big fan of Yup, trust me, that boy will be the “giant killing”.
What has been your favorite event to Cast in so far for the Quake scene?
My favorite event was the KeenCon LAN and the Euskal lan event of KeenCon, was so important to me, cause the people in Europe got to know me for the first time, and all the guys told me that the energy was amazing! And the Barcelona KeenCon LAN was like my consecration in the Quake Champions cast. You know, both event was hard for me. I was casting from my home, so, I was waking up much earlier hahaha
What has been your favorite event to organize so far?
Well my favorite event was the Summer Frag Fest. It was so clean and too many PRO players playing our tournament, for me, was like a achievement. Cause all the people were happy with the tournament and other work staff.
Have you been to QuakeCon before?
I haven’t and that’s our next goal. We want to be there this year with team players, and i wanna be there as the manager of Aster, friend and obviously, the underdog caster who mades a professional team as a lean start up.
Thank you K1rk for giving us a little bit of your precious time to make this article possible, and good luck to AsterEsports on their road to the Quake World Championship 2023! We will definitely be seeing more of AsterEsports this year, and with 1 more Global Qualifier & South America’s own Qualifier we may be seeing not 1, but 2 Aster Quake PROs at this years QWC 2023!