Good Morning Quakers! Frag-O-Matic an organization in Belgium is bringing us a Quake Champions duel tournament in a BYOC Bring Your Own Computer LAN environment. While some rentals will be on site you probably want to have a backup plan of just your own equipment to rely on as rentals tend to go quickly for these types of events.
Frag-O-Matic Location: Oktoberhallen, Schrovestraat 22A, 9280 Wieze, Belgium.
Important links to follow:
Tournament Announcement
FoM 25.1 Entrance Tickets
Register for Events
What You Should Bring List
Information from Organizers:
Tournament Format
1. Group stage with 8 player single elimination bracket.
2. Group stage matches are Best-of-3. Single bracket matches are Best-of-5.
3. Everyone plays each other that is in their group (round-robin).
4. Poules will exist of maximum 10 players.
5. If someone has the same amount of points in your group. The person who won the match against the other gets the higher ranking.
6. Players who fail to participate in their matches will automatically be forfeited.
Disconnects or Hardware Issue
In the event of a disconnection or hardware issue, note the time and score. Return to the lobby. Once everything is resolved, resume the match with the previous score and continue playing for the remaining time left of the cancelled match.
Match Format
· Mode: Timelimit Duel
· Timelimit: 10 Minutes
· Fraglimit: 20 Frag
- Tower of Koth
- Awoken
- Vale of Pnath
- Crucible
- Blood Covenant
- Molten Falls
- Corrupted Keep
Picks and Bans:
Who picks a map first is decided by a coinflip.
BO3 Map pick and bans:
1. Player 1 – pick map
2. Player 2 – pick map
3. Player 1 – ban map
4. Player 2 – ban map
5. Player 1 – ban map
6. Player 2 – ban map
7. Last map is 3rd map
BO5 Map pick and bans:
8. Player 1 – pick map
9. Player 2 – pick map
10. Player 1 – ban map
11. Player 2 – ban map
12. Player 1 – pick map
13. Player 2 – pick map
14. Last map is 5th map
Champions Custom Lobby Picks:
For picking champions there is only 1 restriction. You can’t play the same champion from the last map you played in your match.
Allowed Map1: Ranger; Map2: Visor; Map3: Ranger
Dissalowed Map1: Ranger; Map2: Ranger; Map3: Visor
Group Stage
When both players are okay with their selected champion pick in the custom lobby. You can start the match. Once the searching match countdown has started, you can’t change champion. But if 1 of the 2 players requests blind picks. You must do blind picks. For this you need to find a third person to do blind picks or ask for the admin Andrew Clarence for blind picks if he’s available.
Top 8 single Bracket
In the single bracket match, champion selections will be made through blind pick. This requires you to privately message your champion choice on discord for each map to the competition administrator, @andrew_clarence. Once both players have submitted their selections, you will receive a confirmation message from @andrew_clarence. Following this confirmation, you can start the match.
Blind Picks
Send a message with a list of champions you will play on each map in one message. If both players have send their picks in. You will receive a message with the picks from the other player and can start the match.
If the LAN server is available, you are permitted to play exclusively on the LAN server. Should the LAN server be unavailable or encounter issues, you may play online on the server with the lowest ping.
Play Quake Champions for Free!